The condition of William B. Thayer, dry goods merchant, was reported last night as showing little chance for improvement. Slight hope is held out for his recovery. Mr. Thayer has been ill with pneumonia for about six weeks, and for a time appeared to be on the road to recovery. About five days ago, however, he suffered a relapse, and with but a slight rally now and then has been gradually sinking. Mr. Thayer lives at Forty-sixth street and Warwick boulevard.
The condition of William B. Thayer, dry goods merchant, was reported last night as showing little chance for improvement. Slight hope is held out for his recovery. Mr. Thayer has been ill with pneumonia for about six weeks, and for a time appeared to be on the road to recovery. About five days ago, however, he suffered a relapse, and with but a slight rally now and then has been gradually sinking. Mr. Thayer lives at Forty-sixth street and Warwick boulevard.
The Kansas City Missouri University Alumni Association is going after big game for speakers at the banquet to be held here April 19 in commemoration of Founders' day. Mark Twain holds a degree from the university and his former residence in this state makes him at least a Missourian by adoption. It is stated that the prospect of getting the famous humorist in connection with a lecture here are very encouraging.
If everything is lovely -- including the weather and it stoops raining long enough to make Easter bonnets possible, open cars will be run on some of the suburban street car lines today. Swope park cars were run through the city yesterday from the shops on East Ninth street to the Forty-eighth street barns, to have them in readiness for to-day's business.
It is expected that even though it remains nasty there will be enough courageous ones to swell the street car business beyond ordinary proportions, and if the sun shines every available car will be put into service.
Commencing today every other Rockhill car will be run through to Fifty-first street. The fare is a nickel, and from Waldo to Dodson a nickel.
Forty-two cows selected from dairies in the northeast part of the city were inoculated at 8 o'clock last night with tuberculosis virus by City Milk Inspector Wright and L. Champlain, veterinarian of the city pure food inspectors, for the purpose of determining if any of the herd are afflicted with tuberculosis. The temperatures of the cows treated were taken at three different times yesterday, the last shortly before the tuberculosis virus was injected. It takes twenty-four hours for tuberculosis to develop in a cow, and the real results of the tests made last night will not be known until tonight.
A. Kantizarro, manager of a boys' band, was before the juvenile court yesterday afternoon on complaint of teachers of the Karnes and Washington ward schools, who accuse him of enticing boys away from the schools to play in his band. The teachers stated that some ten or fifteen boys had been ruined for school purposes through he influence of Kantizarro and his band, and that many truancy cases were caused by the demands of the Italian for the boys to play at funerals, etc. The bandmaster promised to make his practice hours such as not to interfere with the school work of his boys, and to relieve them from funeral duty on school days, and the case was dismissed.
Mrs. A. N. McGuire was before the juvenile court yesterday afternoon as a witness in one of the cases pending. She held in her arms a small baby which seemed to be ill.
"What's the matter with that child?" demanded Judge McCune abruptly as he happened to notice the little one, "Is it sick?"
"Yes, it seems to have a bad cold," answered the mother carelessly.
Dr. Matthias of the detention home examined the child a moment or two.
"This baby has the measles," he announced, and there was a small scattering of the bystanders who were not immune. Mrs. McGuire and the child were removed from the court room and the little one given medical attention.
Mrs. Laura Alexander, 1743 Oak street, appealed yesterday to the Humane society for aid in finding her 3-year-old-daughter, Edith Juanita, who, so the mother stated, had been abducted by a woman giving her name as Mrs. Collins, but who, it was later learned was Mrs. L. A. Goodrich of 1003 Wyandotte street.
Mrs. Goodrich first saw the baby with Mrs. Woods, 1743 Oak street, in a dry goods store. She gave her name as Mrs. Collins and at Mrs. Woods' suggestion called upon the baby's mother to see about taking the child to board. She was accompanied by a man, who she said was her husband. The couple took the baby and the woman later left town, going to Lansing, Kas., where she is said to have been seen and heard to say she intended returning to Kansas City.
Goodrich, who works at Twenty-second and Wyandotte streets for the Standard Scale and Foundry Company, said his wife had not lived with him since March 16, but she had brought the baby to see him at 413 West Twentieth street last Wednesday night. The police are looking for the woman.
Under the seal of secrecy two boys tipped off Judge McCune of the juvenile court yesterday afternoon the fact that a gang of crap-shooters is running a series of games in the neighborhood of Twenty-eighth and Terrace, victimizing the boys of that part of the city. The games are conducted with a great deal of care to avoid interruption by the police. The scheme is for the gamekeeper to carry under his arm a small piece of canvas, which he spreads as a table, while he appoints lookouts in all directions to warn him of the approach of the police. Whenever an alarm is given the dealer simply folds up his canvas and puts it in his pocket and there is no evidence left of his misdeeds.
According to the story told by the boys, on Sundays these lads play pretty heavily, sometimes as much as $15 going into the hands of the gamekeeper.
An effort will be made to break this practice up and arrests will undoubtedly be made as soon as sufficient evidence can be secured against the gamekeepers. The boys yesterday declared they were afraid to tell the names of the ringleaders, because threats of violence have been made against any boy who "peaches."
"Say, that automobile's not to ride in. We're going to ship it out."
"Pete" Harris, negro night watchman for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company at its freight house at Fourteenth and Wyoming streets, shouted this at a man who climbing into a large red motor car which stood on the platform tagged for shipment to Lawton, O. T., last night.
The man paid no attention to him. He settled comfortably into the front seat, ran his hands over the levers a moment, and then there was a whirring sound from the motor, and the car began to move.
"Come back here with that auto or I'll shoot you full of lead," shouted Night Watchman Harris, drawing his revolver, and starting to run after the car, which was steadily gaining momentum.
"Honk, honk!" responded the absconding chauffeur, working the horn, and disappearing in a cloud of dust around the first corner. The watchman ran as fast as he could, but when he reached the corner the car was out of sight.
The automobile is a large, red touring car. The car had been run to the freight depot during the afternoon for shipment to Lawton, O. T. A little gasoline was left in the tank, enough, the agent said, "to run up a slight hill."
This was at 7 o'clock. The police of both cities were notified. Grocery stores which kept open at night were visited to see if they had sold gasoline to the chauffeur of a red touring car.
At 11 o'clock the agent at the freight house glanced out of the window to the platform where the automobile had been. He pressed his face closer to the glass and looked again. Then he opened the door and walked out upon the platform.
There stood the missing car in the same position it occupied before it was stolen. The agent pinched one of the tires to be sure it was real.
There was no sign of who had taken the car. The agent saw no one bring it back. The night watchman was called, but he had seen no one. There was only one thing about the car that differed from the condition in which it was taken out, even the tag marked to Lawton still being intact. There was more gasoline in the tank when the car returned than when it was stolen.
"The milk that is being sold to the people of Kansas City, Kas., is getting purer every day, since we have begun to test it," said Dr. J. F. Hassig, city physician of Kansas City, Kas., yesterday. He sat in his office and everywhere around him were bottles of milk, both small and large. What space was not occupied with milk bottles was filled with reports and testing tubes. On a piece of paper were the names of the milkmen from whom the samples had been secured, and opposite these names the results of the tests were put down.
"Just compare this sheet of paper, which has the tests of today on it," continued the doctor, as he handed out the two sheets of paper. On the first sheet of paper was a long list of names, and in almost every instance the result of the tests showed that there was hardly more than 3 per cent butter fat in the milk from which the samples had been taken. Three percent butter fat is required by the city ordinances of Kansas City, Kas. On the sheet of paper with the result of the tests made yesterday, the milk had gained in butter fat from 3/5 to 1 1/2 per cent.
The city physician, with a patrolman, was out most of the day yesterday getting samples of milk, and he says he will continue to get samples from time to time to keep the milkmen in mind of the fact that there must be a proper amount of butter fat in milk. One man who was stopped at Twelfth street and Minnesota avenue in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday became so excited when he was asked for a sample of the milk in his wagon that he spilled over a gallon and a half in the street, while filling a half pint bottle.
Detective Matt Kenney went to room 429 New Ridge building yesterday afternoon and arrested Wilford B. Smith, editor of a publication called Plain Talk, which is published in Kansas City, Kas. The first issue came out in January and there have been three issues since.
Chief Hayes has been investigating the matter ever since the last issue and Wednesday it was brought to the attention of the police commissioners. They requested I. B. Kimbrell to take some action: Yesterday morning he drew up an information charging Smith with the publication of a paper devoted chiefly to scandal. The general charge is a violation of section 2176 of the Revised Statutes.
Smith was taken at once to police headquarters and booked and as Justice Shoemaker was found in his office he was taken there and arraigned about 5:30 p. m. He pleaded not guilty and was released on a $500 bond signed by Harry G. Longnecker, who offices with Smith. The preliminary hearing was set for April 3.
The joint net earnings of the Metropolitan Street Railway and the Kanas City Electric Light Company for the month of February, according to the auditor's statement issued yesterday, amounted to $46,318.52, against $37,417.34 for the corresponding month in 1906. The net earnings of the two companies for the nine months of the fiscal year which ended with February were $836,085.76. The same nine months of the fiscal year ending June, 1906, showed $725,042.79. The gross earnings for February were $423,509.04. The February taxes and interest amounted to $146,876.59.
The finger print system for identification of criminals has been adopted by the local police department, and, beginning this morning, finger prints of each criminal or suspect arrested will be taken by the police bureau of identification. Harry E. Stege, director of Bertillon measurements and rogues' gallery photographer, spent yesterday at Leavenworth, where, under the direction of M. W. McClaughry, record clerk at the United states penitentiary, he received final instructions in taking and filing finger print measurements.
For a number of years the rogues' gallery has been a part of the system of identification of criminals used by the local police department, and about eight years ago the Bertillon system of measurements was adopted. Efficient as these have proved in aiding to run down criminals and in their identification, the addition of the finger print system, it is believed, will make more perfect the means by which identification may be made.
Arthur Jackson, a young man living at 1308 1/2 East Ninth street, was hit over the head with a long bolt by G. C. Hammond, 18 years old, at the Kansas City Bolt and Nut works in Sheffield yesterday afternoon. Jackson was taken to the Sheffield hospital, where it was discovered that his skull had been badly fractured. He died at 9:30 o'clock last night without regaining consciousness. Hammond was arrested and is being held at No. 7 station for investigation.
Hammond, whose name is Grover Cleveland Hammond, lives with his parents at Tenth street and Topping avenue. Ever since he had the measles some years ago he has been regarded as weak minded. It was said that the men and other boys at the Nut and Bolt works were in the habit of bothering him. His parents came here only last fall and are poor. Yesterday afternoon, so a report says, Jackson in passing Hammond gave his truck a shove out of the way. This seemed to anger Hammond and he grabbed a long bolt, took a firm grasp on it with both hands and hit Jackson over the head with all his might. The coroner sent the body of Jackson to a Sheffield undertaker. An autopsy will be held today and an inquest later.
"Among the greater things that my administration of city affairs is rapidly solving is the Union depot and West trafficway problem," said Mayor Beardsley last night to a small audience at the meeting of the Technological Society in Central high school building. "The depot surroundings will be both beautiful and attractive, and the West trafficway will be settled satisfactory to the many interests involved."
The mayor then went down the list of public utilities and said that it was his aim and ambition to make them complete and effective and in keeping with every demand. He told about the city acquiring forty acres of lad in Platte county to establish a sanitarium for tuberculosis victims, the new emergency hospital in the city hall and the contemplated children's playgrounds and bath house in the North end.
William Harris, a negro, known as "Crow," was shot and almost instantly killed last night by James McFarland, another negro, commonly called "Hot Dinner." The shooting occurred in a negro saloon at 1027 East Fifth street. Harris lived at 1023 East Fifth street. McFarland lives at 516 1/2 Gillis, where he was arrested after the shooting by Patrolmen R. B. Hall and Carl Johnson.
Six witnesses stated that the shooting was unprovoked. Harris was standing at the bar when McFarland came in, and, walking up to Harris, slapped him in the mouth. Fred Mahan, the bartender, went to the door with McFarland and tried to get him to go out, telling him he should not try to raise a disturbance in the place. Several remarks were made and McFarland walked back and, placing a revolver to Harris' back, fired. Harris staggered across the street and fell dead in front of his house. McFarland is being held by the police for investigation.
David Bostick, a roller mill hand of Sheffield, was shot and perhaps mortally wounded early this morning in that suburb by Sergeant Caskey and Patrolman Parks. Earlier in the evening Bostick had shot at Harry Bahling, a saloonkeeper of Sheffield, whom he had attempted to hold up. Then he went to the home of George Ritter, on the Blue. Returning from there he met the officers and threatened them with a revolver. Both officers shot him at the same moment. He had just left the boat in which he had come from Ritter's home.
William Miller, a farmer from Stanley, Kas., came to Kansas City yesterday to have a tooth extracted. Before leaving home he said a doctor there gave him several doses of chloral hydreate to deaden the pain. The dentist also used some kind of pain killer, possibly cocaine.
The tooth was pulled about 4 o'clock. At 7 o'clock he was in the saloon of Jack Gallagher, 8 East Fourth street, wh en it was noticed that Miller was bleeding at the mouth. He was also delirious from the effects of the double drugging he had received. Miller was taken to the emergency hospital, where Dr. W. A. Shelton and Dr. J. A. Naylor worked him over for three hours before the hemorrhage was stopped. Miller fought until he wore himself out, as he believed the doctors were trying to do him harm. After he revived he told of the drugs which had been given him.
A man entered the emergency hospital in the city hall yesterday afternoon holding his right arm to his chest with his left. He was bent over and groaning as if in pain.
"I was hurt by a street car the other day," he said. "I want to be examined -- think I'm awful bad hurt for I can't git my arm any higher than that." And he showed Dr. George Ringle "how far" by lifting his arm just a little way from his body. He groaned again when he did it.
"How far could you lift that arm before you were so badly injured?" asked Dr. W. A. Shelton, who butted in.
"Oh, that far," said the man as he shot the arm up above his head in an evident effort to reach the ceiling. The doctor grabbed the arm and held it there -- straight up. He was getting ready to ask another question, but laughed outright. The man saw his predicament, jerked the "injured" arm loose, and fled in disgust.
Automobile owners may hereafter use Cliff Drive every Thursday, all day, and Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. The new order was made yesterday by the park board.
The drive in the past has been given over to automobilists on Wednesday, but this has not been satisfactory to owners of machines engaged in business pursuits and yesterday the club members asked that Sunday and two week days be accorded them on the drive. The board objected to automobiles on the drive on Sunday as that day is used more than any other day for carriage travel, and finally compromised by making Thursday a full day and half days of Tuesday and Saturday for automobiles.
Frank Herd, 13 years old, was sent from his home at 615 West Twenty-third street at 4 p. m. yesterday to renew his father's license as a stationary engineer, in passing a 10-cent store near Twelfth and Main streets he was attracted by a large display of marbles. Young Herd stopped and picked up three of the smallest ones. He was arrested, taken to police headquarters and later locked up in the detention home for trial by the juvenile court.
As the lad did not return home, Philip G. Herd, who is now clerk at the workhouse, went to inquire about him. He thought the boy had been injured, but was indignant when he was told what had occurred.
"It is an outrage," said Mr. Herd. "The boy picked up the marbles just as a man will pick up beans or coffee from a sack. They are what the boys call "tooticks" and sell for about ten for a cent. There are three or four other boys being held for the same offense -- if it is an offense."
Mayor Beardsley yesterday vetoed an ordinance to make regular firemen of Peter McCarthy, George Monahan, Robert Henderson and Frank O'Leary, all of whom are under the regulation height of firemen, but in whose interest the council had passed a special enabling ordinance. The mayor pointed out that one of the four had been dismissed from the department for intoxication. He offered no objections to the other three, two of them having served a term of years as watchboys and substitutes.
Oh, what a shock for the old guard! W. B. C. Brown, Senator Warner's secretary, is home from Washington with the news that Clarance A. Miller, who not so very long ago was carrying a newspaper route, last week took a civil service examination in Washington for appointment to the consular service, and he stands a good chance of landing. Miller is not known to any of the city or county committeemen, nor even to the precinct captains nor the Missouri Republican Club. Another young man, also unknown to the politicians, Walter Reed by name, took the same examination and is supposed to have passed. There was a class of eleven candidates. Missouri furnished three. These were Miller, Reed, whose home is near Eighteenth and Harrison, and a man named Delchman, of St. Louis.
"It is not what it used to be," said Mr. Brown. "The old custom was for the big fellows to knock down the plums for themselves or their friends. Now the departments are being put into the civil service and thus it happens that obscure but more capable men are getting the places.
"It is as much now as a senator can do to appoint a private secretary to be paid by the government. At least it is easier to do this and no more."
According to Secretary Brown, it is a matter of doubt if Senator Warner will be in Kansas City this summer.
A bullet fired by Andrew Johnson, a negro, last night at 814 Independence avenue, pierced the side of Edward Maymon, another negro, and struck Morris Hieth, a white man, in the abdomen. Hieth may die. The shooting took place in the general store off Jacob Louis, Hieth's brother-in-law. Hieth was taken at once to the emergency hospital, where Dr. W. A. Shelton made an examination and discovered that the bullet had penetrated the intestines. The injured man was later operated upon by Dr. St. Elmo Sanders at the General hospital. Maymon went to his home, 548 Campbell street, after being treated and said he didn't intend to lose a day's work.
Maymon runs a rooming house at 548 Campbell street. Johnson and his wife room there. Maymon has several roomers and only one kitchen, which each person is supposed to clean up after it has been used.
"When Johnson and his wife go t through using it tonight," said Maymon, "they left all the utensils dirty. I spoke to him about it and told him the place must be left clean. He got mad, one word led to another and he left, saying he would 'get' me.
"In a few minutes I went up on Independence avenue to get an officer and met Johnson. I knew from the way he acted that he had a pistol, so, when I got close enough to him, I knocked him down twice. Just then a wagon drove between us or I would have taken his weapon away. In front of Louis' store he shot at me, but the bullet went wild. I ran into the store and he started up the street, but came back, walked into the store and shot me. I felt the bullet pierce my side and heard a man behind me say, 'Gott im Himmel. I'm shot.' I left and went home."
H. M. Green, 631 Campbell street, was a witness to the street fight preceding the shooting and also the shooting. He said had the wagon not separated the men Maymon would have bested Johnson and there would have been no casualties.
Jack Spillane, a former police officer, was on Independence avenue near the scene. He saw Johnson, revolver in hand, as he ran out of Louis' store east to Campbell street and north on Campbell street. Spillane chased Johnson for two blocks and fired two shots at him, but neither is believed to have taken effect. Johnson ran through a saloon at Fifth and Campbell streets and disappeared.
Jacob Louis, owner of the store at 814 Independence avenue, is a brother-in-law of the injured man. Hieth is a laborer, works for the Santa Fe railway and has eight children. He has been here only eight months, coming from Russia. Hieth and his family live over the store in which he was shot.
"Heith was standing on the east side of the door facing south when the negro ran in after a shot had been fired," said Mr. Louis. "We thought it was all over when the other man returned. He entered the door with his revolver drawn and when within ten feet of his victim, shot at him. Hieth was standing a little behind and to one side of the negro who was shot. He dropped to the floor and said: 'Gott im Himmel. I'm shot.' and immediately became unconscious. The negro, Maymon, walked out as if nothing was the matter."
The bullet pierced Maymon's left side, striking the tenth rib and making only a superficial would. The holes where the bullet entered and came out are about three inches apart. The same bullet then glanced off and struck Hieth. Probing failed to locate the bullet.
George Martin, a negro who rooms at Maymon's house, heard the first quarrel in the yard and heard Johnson say he was going after a revolver. "He was gone about twenty minutes," said Martin. "I think he must have gone down town or some place else after the gun. When he came back he had it and said he was going to kill Maymon. He went into the house looking for him and I advised him to go to bed but he seemed bent on murder."
Johnson is a tall, brown skinned negro. He wore a black soft hat and a light overcoat when he disappeared after the shooting. Up to a late hour last night he had not been captured.
While Mrs. Mary M. Sharon and her son, Forty-fourth street and Montgall avenue, were returning from a drive yesterday afternoon they saw that the front door of their home was open. It had been locked when they left, so they approached the house with caution. When not far away a man was seen to leave the open door, carrying with him a beaver cloak valued at $85.
Young Sharon, the son, waited until the man had disappeard over the brow of a hill nearby, when he ran into the house and returned with a revolver, which the thief had overlooked. He went to the top of the hill and kept watch on the burglar, and saw him hide the cloak in some brush and cover it over carefully. That was some distance from the house. The thief then started off in another direction, while young Sharon maade preparations to head him off. After making a long detour, he came upon the man, and chase began. Away they went, over hill and dale, jumping gulleys and sneaking through underbrush. All the while, however, Sharon had his eagle eye on the fleeing man. When the tired fugitive was completely winded he drew a knife and stood ready to fight, but when he saw that his captor had a revolver, he threw up his hands, dropped the knife and surrendered.
Sharon led his prisoner back to where he got a man to telephone No. 9 station for the police. Mounted Patrolman Joseph Waaters and Joseph Enright took the daylight burglar in tow and locked him up for investigation. The man gave the name of McKenzie. He admitted breaking into the house by a rear window, and said he had opened the front door to facilitate escape. He was not looking for the people home so soon. He told where he had hidden the cloak, but Sharon already knew, as he had witnessed that.
McKenzie lives in the North end.
While a case in which George W. Dunlap is suing to recover a diamond ring he claims is in the possession of Ida May Price, of 1827 Jefferson street, was pending in Justice Shepard's court, yesterday, Ida May Price in retaliation instituted suit against Dunlap to recover $30,000 for alleged breach of promise.
In her petition in the breach of promise case which as filed in the circuit court, Miss Price claims that she had been keeping company with Dunlap for a considerable length of time, and from about May, 1906, and frequently thereafter promised, at his request, to marry him.
In his suit to recover the diamond ring, Dunlap claims that he only lent the ring to Miss Price. The case is set for March 29.
Miss Price is a clerk, and Dunlap is proprietor of a clothes cleaning establishment on Central street.
Mamie Burnett was given a divorce from Harvey Burnett in Judge Goodrich's division of the circuit court yesterday afternoon on charge of desertion. Burnett is the legless man who sells chewing gum in front of the theaters. For many years he was stationed in front of the Grand opera house and became well known. He is also an electrician, and during the daytime works at his trade. They disagreed a few months ago and separated. Both charged desertion. The two daughters, the oldest aged 9, were given into the custody of Mrs. Burnett.
St. Louis, March 22. --(Special.) Arthur C. Biles, son of Robert Biles, a prominent Kansas City shoe salesman, was found guilty today of first degree murder for the death of Robert Harvey, of Osage City, Mo., the jury returning the verdict after deliberating three hours. Biles took the verdict coolly.
Biles was jointly charged with Joseph Brown, who pleaded guilty several weeks ago and was sentenced to ninety-nine years. Brown testified Biles administered Harvey morphine in a glass of beer, that they then took Harvey to a vacant lot, where Biles strong-armed and robbed him; that Biles kicked Harvey in the side after the robbery, saying: "That will keep him from squealing."
Harvey was found unconscious on the lot the next morning and died the same day.
Dr. Frank Hall held an autopsy yesterday upon the body of Mrs. N. R. Stripe, of Parsons, Kas., who died here at the German hospital Thursday afternoon. After the body had been removed to Stone's morgue, Coroner George B. Thompson received a message from H. G. Stripe, a son in Parsons, notifying him that Mrs. Stripe had died of poisoning and demanding an autopsy and an inquest.
"We found death to have been due to natural causes," said Dr. Thompson last night. "It was plain to be seen that myocarditis, a form of heart disease, had caused her death."
Dr. Thompson said that a son from New York and A. M. Glick, a son-in-law, living here at 1012 East Twelfth street, were present at the autopsy and were satisfied with the result. Another son, the doctor said, suspected something wrong and asked that one of the prosecutors be present, as he feared an attempt would be made to "whitewash" someone.
"The woman is 74 years old," continued Dr. Thompson, "and she came here to be treated by a beauty doctor -- to have wrinkles removed. Some cosmetics had been given her to use on he face, and when she was taken ill about a week ago she became delirious and scratched the skin where the cosmetics had been used.
"That caused a skin eruption, and the children here became suspicious that the mother was being slowly poisoned. It would have been impossible, however, for poison to have had an effect that way. We talked with the doctor who treated her and are satisfied that everything was all right, so far as being poisoned is concerned."
Mrs. Stripe, after a short service, was buried in Elmwood cemetery at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. All of her children and the son-in-law are stage people.
Thomas Holland wants to cause an international disagreement between England and the United States. Holland is probably not acquainted with the bad effects of the North end whisky, for last night he partook of it freely. He was at Fifth and Walnut streets trying uncertainly to lean up against the atmosphere. He took offense at every passerby.
When Sergeant Peter McCosgrove started to headquarters with Holland, the latter announced that he was a British subject and would not stand for arrest. Then he got violent and shed his coat. That caused him to be taken in by force.
At the desk Holland refused to be searched and insisted that it would hurt King Edward's feelings if he ever found it out. Then more force had to be used. He begged to be clubbed.
"Hit me! Beat me," he cried. "I'm a subject of the king. Leave some mark on me. Do it up good, for I will have British battleships in the port of Kansas City and bombarding the town by sundown tomorrow. Club me. Go on."
Holland was taken to the holdover and locked in a cell. A lot of pushing, pulling and shoving was done, but no one accommodated Holland by clubbing him, beating him or even scratching him. After he was locked up he awakened all the slumbering jags in the holdover, by announcing in stentorian tones, "You refuse to beat me, but you have locked me up. I have decided to have the town bombarded for false arrest. Look out!"
"How can that fellow expect to win around here?" asked Tom Minogue, a visitor, who had witnessed the proceedings. "A British subject coming into an Irish club and starting a row. That North end booze has had the wrong effect on him."
A little girl was before Judge McCune of the juvenile court yesterday. She was there as a neglected child and she looked forlorn enough.
"Are either of your parents here?" asked Judge McCune.
"No, sir," replied the girl, timidly, "I'm an orphan."
"Haven't any father, either?"
"No sir," went on the child, "he's in Texas."
Mike Savage says he is an Irishman, but he doesn't make a noise like one. He was in the criminal court yesterday and was given a sentence by a jury of six years for highway robbery. It was charged that he, with the assistance of a man named Sam Hight, held up E. E. Ellis, a brother of the congressman, near Twenty-fifth and Troost on the evening of January 5 and got $3.50 from him.
A part of the testimony for the prosecution was to the effect that the man who held up Mr. Ellishad an unusual impediment in his speech. Mr. Ellis testified that the man who had the revolver exclaimed: "Det up you han's' det 'em up, det 'em up."
During the trial Savage was not permitted by his lawyer to go on the witness stand. Throughout the trial he was mute. But he gave himself away as he left the court room after the verdict was in.
"I dant a new drial," he exclaimed, shaking his fist at Judge Slover. "I dain't doing to be done dis way in dis court."
It was to laugh, and all of the court officials, even Judge Slover, laughed.
Savages wife had made a scene in the court room only an hour or so before and was forcibly put out by the deputies. Hight, Savage's accomplice, pleaded guilty and took a sentence of five years -- one year less than Savage got by standing trial.
Irene Napper, 24, and Arthur Lowry, who is five years older, pleaded guilty to horse stealing in the criminal court yesterday afternoon. The woman was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years and the man for seven. They stole a team and buggy belonging to W. H. Hand from in front of the Bell Telephone building at Sixth and Wyandotte streets on March 2. Lowry had already stolen $8 from another man and had taken the woman with him to Leavenworth. They returned in a day or two and, seeing the rig, took it. They started to drive to Wichita, Kas., but got no further than Lawrence when they were arrested.
"Are you married to this man?" asked Judge Slover of the woman.
"No," she said.
"Have you ever been married?"
"Yes. My husband is in the penitentiary."
"Did you know that this man Lowry has been in the penitentiary?"
"Yes. He has been there twice in Kansas. Five years for horse stealing and five years for killing a man."
"Who was it stole this team?"
"I did."
"How did you happen to do that?"
"I don't know unless it was because he told me to."
The woman said she was born in Rich Hill, Mo.
When Judge Slover pronounced the sentence on the two, the man said, cheerfully enough, "Thank you, judge."
President J. J. Swofford, of the Swofford Bros.' Dry Goods Company, said yesterday that negotiations were pending with St. Louis, St. Joseph and Wichita capitalists for the Swofford plant at a price close to $1.000,000.
"The matter is merely being discussed in a business way," said Mr. Swofford. "We have set our price and the others are considering it. I do not look for anything definite for some weeks, and the whole thing may end in talk."
The capital stock has been increased from the original $300,000 to $1,000,000. It succeeded the Grimes Dry Goods Company in 1891.
A burglar who robbed the home of Daniel G. Saunders Monday night found Patrolman Ed Doran waiting for him at 10 o'clock this morning when he returned to his room at 801 East Twelfth street.
When renting the room the man seemed so solicitous about the bundle he was carrying that the woman suspected something.
When he went away he said he was going to the theater, so the landlady opened the bundle. As it was household silverware bearing the initials, "D. G. S.," the police at No. 4 station when notified were aware at once that the man was the one who was wanted for the Saunders robbery.
When Officer Doran sprang for the man on his return last night, the thief vaulted down a staircase and darted through a rear window. The plunder recovered was mostly silverware from the sideboard and toilet articles. The really expensive articles taken, including a diamond and pearl necklace and tortoise shell comb were not recovered.
D. G. Saunders is president of the Saunders Lumber Company, and lives at 2121 Independence boulevard. The robbery was committed Tuesday night while the family was absent attending a lecture.
Because Patrolman Rooney was so perplexed last Monday afternoon that he did not know whether he was talking to Mrs. Leo Robinowitz about a pair of shoes once stolen from her or about the silly season, he was thumped unmercifully by Mr. Robinowitz, whose residence is at 1618 West Ninth street, and another man with a fist on him like a maul. The officer was in citizen's clothes and drink simultaneously, and Mr. Robinowitz never was more surprised in his life than when he found out he had been jumping on the frame of a cop.
He said so in filing charges with the board of police commissioners.
Rooney's side of the story never got before the board, for he was dismissed offhand yesterday.
Mrs. Robert Donohue, an aged woman living at 8 Chestnut avenue in the East bottoms, went to the office of the Humane Society yesterday afternoon to complain of her husband, a flagman for the Missouri Pacific and C. & A. railroads at the Chestnut Avenue crossing.
"I went to the switch shanty today to see if he had got his check," she said. "The pay car had just passed and another man, Mr. McCoy, brought it to him. He asked McCoy to remain and watch the crossing while he went to get it cashed.
"When he returned, he offered teh man a dime, which he refused. Just then I saw a quarter on the sidewalmk and stooped down to get it, intending to hand it to my husband. While I was reaching for it he attacked and beat me. I have three married daughters here and they have all tried to get me to leave my husband, as he has often cruelly beaten me.
"I would have had him in police court last month, but I was ashamed to appear there with such a black eye as he had given me."
Colonel Greenman said that he advised Mrs. Donohue long ago to secure a warrant for her husband and yesterday he gave her the same advice.
"We want to get into the army," timidly spoke up one of two young girls, who entered the army recruiting station yesterday afternoon, to a sergeant of the recruiting party.
"What branch of the service to you prefer?" asked the sergeant, a broad grin wreathing his countenance. "We are enlisting for both branches of artillery, infantry and cavalry."
"Oh, we want to be nurses," spoke up the two in chorus.
Both young women were blushing. The were comely and appeared to be no more than 16 or 17 years old. The sergeant said:
"Now girls, which of you is it that has a fellow in the service, or is it both, and what regiment is he in?"
"We both have. Our fellows are in the Fifth caavalry, but that don't make any difference. We just want to be nurses," one of them explained.
"I am afraid you are too young for the service, but you can write the war department. We are not enlisting nurses here," said the sergeant.
Miss Maggie Mahan and a friend, who arrived in Kansas City Monday afternoon, went to police headquarters yesterday evening to lodge a complaint. When they arrived at 2 p. m. Monday, they gave checks for two trunks and one suit case to a boy, 19 years old, who was driving a roan horse. He was told to take the baggage to the Centropolis hotel, but up to last night had not found the right place.
Fred McClure and wife left their home at 3343 Tracy avenue last night to attend a theater. In their hurry they slammed the front door and forgot all about the key. When the show was over they started home and got about half way, when McClure said, "By gum, I didn't bring that key." A block further they left the car and started back -- for police headquarters.
When they arrived there, McClure, who works in the water department and is well known, told his troubles. He was turned over to Patrolman Cassius M. Larrabee, who has a key to every house in town -- a skeleton key. He really has the finest collection of burglar's pass keys west of the Mississippi river. McClure took the whole bunch and left for home, saying he would "try them."
"You'll find one to fit, all right," said Larrabee. It was learned later that he did.
Espcially in Railways--Had
Been Ill About Four Years.

Wallace Pratt, for 38 years one of Kansas City's prominent attorneys, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at his residence, 213 West Armour boulevard. A stroke of paralysis four years ago and a relapse last December brought on a weakened condition, and for three weeks Mr. Pratt had been confined to his bed. For a week his life has been despaired of. Until the last two days, however, he conversed occasionally and recognized friends. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Grace Episcopal church.
Mr. Pratt was one of the most prominent railway lawyers in Missouri and for many yars was legal adviser of some of the railroads entering Kansas City. It was principally through the efforts of George H. Nettleton, at one time president of the old Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis railway, and Mr. Pratt, general attorney for the road, that that line reached the proportions it did before being taken over by the Frisco. At the death of Mr. Nettleton, Mr. Pratt was appointed to the presidency of the road, but declined it, stating that he would rather remain as the road's legal counselor. He was general attorney for the St. Louis & San Francisco road, and for many years the firm of Pratt, Dana & Black, with which he was last associated,was employed to look after the legal affairs of the Union Depot Company. Mr. Pratt was at one time general atorney for the Metropolitan Street Railway Company. During the last two years, however, he had not been actively engaged in the practice of law.
The age of Mr. Pratt was 76 years. He came to Kansas City in 1869, and associated himself with W. S. Rockwell and Watson J. Ferry in the law firm of Pratt, Watson & Ferry. In 1872, Mr. Rockwell withdrew, the other partners continuing as Pratt & Ferry. In 1875, Judge Jefferson Brumback was admitted to the firm, which then became Pratt, Brumback & Ferry. Within two years Judge Brumback retired, and was succeeded by George W. McCrary, ex-secretary of war and a former United States circuit judge. Frank Hagerman became a member of the firm in 1887, and in 1890 Mr. McCrary died, the remaining partners continuing their association until 1890. Later Mr. Pratt associated himself with I. P. Dana and James Black, and the firm devoted its practice almost exclusively to corporation law.
Mr. Pratt was instrumental in forwarding various enterprises important to the commercial development of Kansas City, among them the Union Transit Company, now the Kansas City Belt Railway Company, of which he was a director, and for which he was counsel up to the time of his retirement.
He was born in Georgia, Vt., and later moved to Canton, N. Y., with his parents, where he received his early education. When he was 14 years old he entered Union college, and was graduated four years later. He at once entered the study of law under the tutelage of Henry J. Knowles, at Potsdam, N. Y. In 1852 he went to Chicago, where he was admitted to the bar, and a year later went to Milwaukee.
He was married in 1855 to Miss Adeline A. Russell, of Canton, N. Y. In 1874 his wife died, and ten years later he married Mrs. Caroline Dudley, of Buffalo, who died shortly before her husband's stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Pratt leaves four children, Mrs. Hermann Brumback and Wallace Pratt, Jr., of Kansas City, and Mrs. Elwood H. Alcott, of Pasadena, Cal., and Wesley R. Pratt, of Buffalo.
The Kansas City Automobile Club, which, by virtue of permission of the board of park commissioners, has unlimited possession of Cliff drive each Wednesday of every week for the use of autos, yesterday petitioned the board to have Sunday added to its privileges. The communication accompanying the request set forth that busy business men owning automobiles cannot avail themselves of Wednesday to use the drive, and if they are to enjoy it they must have Sundays when they are not occupied with commercial responsibilities. The request was laid aside until all the members of the board can be consulted.
"Oh what will mamma say? What will mamma say? I know this will kill her?"
This unselfish remark was the first to pass from the lips of Frances Shaw, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw, 2043 North Valley street, Kansas City, Kas., last evening after an incoming Chicago & Alton passenger train had passed over and completely severed her left foot above the ankle. The accident happened about 6 o'clock on a curve in the tracks at Mount Washington, just east of the city. Frances had been out there visiting her cousin, Minnie Eaton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Eaton. Both are about the same age. While on the way to the station to take a car for home the little girls were walking along the C. & A. tracks. In crossing over a cattle guard Frances' left foot became tightly wedged in between a rail and the guard. The children worked away casually to remove the imprisoned foot, not realizing the danger.
When a train was heard approaching, however, they were seized with fright and both girls pulled with all their mights to loosen the involved foot. All the while the puffing and steaming of the oncoming iron monster could be heard. The children could not see the train for the embankment. When all hope of freedom had fled Minnie jumped back from the tracks and Frances drew her right limb under her and laid down flat away from the track. Her presence of mind saved her life but the whole train passed over the left foot just at the shoe top and severed it as if with a cleaver.
The train was going at a rapid rate, so many witnesses said, and did not stop until several hundred yards beyond where the injured girl lay. Then it backed up and the conductor and train crew tried to do all they could for the child. Not a tear came from Frances Shaw during this terrible ordeal and her first words were of her mother -- not of herself. "What will mamma say?" she said. "What will mamma say? I know this will kill her."
It was a pretty day and many persons were out near Mount Washington. Probably a dozen persons heard the screams of the children and ran to the top of the cut in time to see the train pass over the girl's foot. Until she was reached it was thought she had been killed. Tenderly she was carried to the home of Dr. W. L. Gist, an assistant city physician, who lives nearby. There emergency treatment was given by Dr. Gist and Dr. W. L. Gillmor and when the shock of the accident was over she was removed to St. Luke's hospital, 2011 East Eleventh street. Dr. Gillmor and Dr. C. E. Nixon, whose wives are related to the injured girl, later completed the amputation, assisted by Dr. Pierce, house physician at the hospital.
This is the second serious accident to occur in the Shaw family. Fifteen years ago Newton Shaw, the 4-year-old son, was killed by a Chelsea park car at the "L" road crossing and Fifteenth street in Kansas City, Kas. It was said last night that Mrs. Shaw had never quite recovered from the shock of her little boy's death and that the accident to Frances would prostrate her. There are four children in the family, two brothers and one sister being older than Frances. The father, William Shaw, has for a long time been crippled with rheumatism and can do no manual labor. He is employed as a watchman for the Metropolitan Street Railway Company.
People living in Mount Washington have long called the place where the accident occurred as "Death Curve." The road makes a sharp curve at that point, which is right in the settlement of Mount Washington.
"It is a wonder to me," said Dr. C. E. Nixon last night, "that more accidents have not occurred there. It is almost necessary to use that portion of the tracks going to and from many of the homes across the tracks. One can see only a few yards on account of the embankment and if the train doesn't whistle as a warning it is right on you before you know it. Only a short while ago I came near getting caught there myself. It was night and I was returning from the city with my wife. Before I realized it a train had whisked around that curve and was right on me. My wife was off the track but I had to leap to save myself."
Many persons, it is said, who live out there, have similar stories of narrow escapes to tell. Few witnesses yesterday heard any whistle.
After the train had passed over Frances Shaw's limb the foot was left so tightly wedged in the cattle guard that it took a man's strength to extract it. Frances and her cousin, Minnie, said that they thougth of taking off the shoe to release the foot only when it was too late -- the train being nearly at the entrance to the cut. Those who witnessed the accident said that they never saw such presence of mind displayed by a child. Had she not laid down perfectly flat as she did she probably would have been killed by being struck by the steps of the coaches.
After the operation at St. Luke's last night the little girl was reported as doing well. The accident is not regarded as serious enough to result fatally. The girl's mother was at the hospital waiting long before the ambulance arrived. She remained all night by her daughter's bedside.
Despondency over ill health it is believed caused Miss Ella Zorn, a former telephone operator, 20 years old, to commit suicide by taking carbolic acid at the home of her sister, Mrs. Theodore Fromell, with whom she and her mother were visiting, 409 Colorado avenue, about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The young woman was a niece of Dr. Louis A. Zorn, under indictment for the murder of Albert Secrest at Ninth and Prospect avenue some time ago. She with her mother made their home with a brother of Dr. Zorn, Charles Zorn, 3125 Vine street.
The mother had left the room where the girl lay on a couch, only for a few moments, and when she returned Miss Zorn was writhing in agony from the effects of the acid she had just taken. The mother, at first, thought the girl was suffering from an attack of her heart trouble, to which she was subject, but on drawing closer to the couch detected the fumes of the poison. She ran to the home of a neighbor, who sent for Dr. W. H. Crowder, 5000 Independence avenue. When the physician arrived the girl was still alive, and medical attention was promptly given her, but she died a half-hour later.
Mr. and Mrs. Fromell were out when the girl took the acid, but they returned home just before she died.
Miss Zorn and her mother had spent the night before with Mrs. Fromell and their intention was to return to their home last evening.
"I can see no other reason than despondency over ill health for the girl taking her own life," said Mr. Fromell last night. "She seemed in good spirits all of the day."
The fatal draught was sipped from a little china cup aand it is supposed the poison was found by the girl on one of the pantry shelves. Joseph Zorn, a brother, lives at 1326 Askew avenue.
Another cavalcade of alleged heirs of Adolph Huntemann swooped down on Public Administrator Crohn, by letter yesterday. They hail from Texas, Wisconsin, Cincinnati and St. Louis. One woman wrote that she was sure she was related to Huntemann and added: "Won't you please furnish the evidence for me." Administrator Crohn said she failed to state where the "evidence" could be found. Mr. Huntemann died March 12, at his handsome residence, 4025 McGee street, and left an estate worth $400,000. So far as known he had no heirs.