March 2, 1907
Banquet of Tenth Ward Republicans at the Savoy.

"Hadley for governor" was the slogan of the Tenth Ward Republican Club at its annual banquet at the Savoy hotel last night. Homer Mann, who delivered the nominating speech at St. Joseph when Hadley was named as candidate for attorney general, proposed the name of Hadley for the gubernatorial nomination, which was received with hearty cheers by the 200 or more Tenth warders present.

A four-course diner was served, following which was the evening's programme, Captain Charles A. Morton, retiring president, was toastmaster. The speakers were: E. F. Halstead, Alderman George H. Edwards, Homer B. Mann, Alderman E. E. Morris and George A. Neal. Mayor Beardsley was a late comer, and he made a few remarks.

Following are the officers elected for the ensuing year: Martin J. Ostergard, president; Howard Lee, vice president; Samuel R. Halstead, second vice president; J. C. Barrette, secretary; William H. Gardner, assistant secretary; Flournoy Quest, treasurer, and William Newland, sergeant-at-arms.