March 17, 1907

It Brought a Handkerchief and a
Revolver From a Pocket.

It was a sneeze, a long, loud sneeze, too, that made all the trouble for Carey L. Miller, a machinist from Topeka, Kas. Miller was passing through the city yesterday on his way to Pennsylvania. He imbibed freely of Union avenue beverage. The beverage was so strong that it made Miller's eyes water and that caused him to sneeze.

When the sneeze came off Miller was making his way in a zig-zag fashion along Union avenue. The sneeze was a big one and required the use of a handkerchief to complete it. In dragging the handkerchief from his pocket, Miller also dragged out a revolver. When the "smoke wagon" struck the sidewalk Patrolman John Farrel was looking straight at Miller and at once proceeded to throw protecting arms around the stranger and to steer him into No. 2 police station.

There Miller gave the name of John Corbin. A charge of drunk and carrying concealed weapons was placed against him. If he is right good, however, and proves to be a "good fellow," the chances are that the concealed weapons charge will be wiped off the slate and only the plain drunk remain. This might be done for the reason that he is not a citizen of Kansas City.