Forgetful Man Called on Police to
Aid Him to Enter His Own Home.
Fred McClure and wife left their home at 3343 Tracy avenue last night to attend a theater. In their hurry they slammed the front door and forgot all about the key. When the show was over they started home and got about half way, when McClure said, "By gum, I didn't bring that key." A block further they left the car and started back -- for police headquarters.
When they arrived there, McClure, who works in the water department and is well known, told his troubles. He was turned over to Patrolman Cassius M. Larrabee, who has a key to every house in town -- a skeleton key. He really has the finest collection of burglar's pass keys west of the Mississippi river. McClure took the whole bunch and left for home, saying he would "try them."
"You'll find one to fit, all right," said Larrabee. It was learned later that he did.