Kansas City Police Department
Adopts a New System.
The finger print system for identification of criminals has been adopted by the local police department, and, beginning this morning, finger prints of each criminal or suspect arrested will be taken by the police bureau of identification. Harry E. Stege, director of Bertillon measurements and rogues' gallery photographer, spent yesterday at Leavenworth, where, under the direction of M. W. McClaughry, record clerk at the United states penitentiary, he received final instructions in taking and filing finger print measurements.
For a number of years the rogues' gallery has been a part of the system of identification of criminals used by the local police department, and about eight years ago the Bertillon system of measurements was adopted. Efficient as these have proved in aiding to run down criminals and in their identification, the addition of the finger print system, it is believed, will make more perfect the means by which identification may be made.