March 28, 1907

Witnesses Agree That the Shooting
Was Unprovoked.

William Harris, a negro, known as "Crow," was shot and almost instantly killed last night by James McFarland, another negro, commonly called "Hot Dinner." The shooting occurred in a negro saloon at 1027 East Fifth street. Harris lived at 1023 East Fifth street. McFarland lives at 516 1/2 Gillis, where he was arrested after the shooting by Patrolmen R. B. Hall and Carl Johnson.

Six witnesses stated that the shooting was unprovoked. Harris was standing at the bar when McFarland came in, and, walking up to Harris, slapped him in the mouth. Fred Mahan, the bartender, went to the door with McFarland and tried to get him to go out, telling him he should not try to raise a disturbance in the place. Several remarks were made and McFarland walked back and, placing a revolver to Harris' back, fired. Harris staggered across the street and fell dead in front of his house. McFarland is being held by the police for investigation.