March 30, 1907

Crapshooters Operate Games on South
Terrace, It Is Charged.

Under the seal of secrecy two boys tipped off Judge McCune of the juvenile court yesterday afternoon the fact that a gang of crap-shooters is running a series of games in the neighborhood of Twenty-eighth and Terrace, victimizing the boys of that part of the city. The games are conducted with a great deal of care to avoid interruption by the police. The scheme is for the gamekeeper to carry under his arm a small piece of canvas, which he spreads as a table, while he appoints lookouts in all directions to warn him of the approach of the police. Whenever an alarm is given the dealer simply folds up his canvas and puts it in his pocket and there is no evidence left of his misdeeds.

According to the story told by the boys, on Sundays these lads play pretty heavily, sometimes as much as $15 going into the hands of the gamekeeper.

An effort will be made to break this practice up and arrests will undoubtedly be made as soon as sufficient evidence can be secured against the gamekeepers. The boys yesterday declared they were afraid to tell the names of the ringleaders, because threats of violence have been made against any boy who "peaches."