Hovering between life and death little Frances Whitney lies on a bed of pain at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whitney, 3308 Troost avenue. She was struck by an automobile Tuesday afternoon at Thirty-first and Troost avenue. A doctor is constantly at her side. She regained consciousness at about 3 o'clock yesterday morning, long enough to murmur:
"I want a big doll like Beatrice has got, that will talk and open and shut its eyes." Then she lapsed into unconsciousness.
The extent of her injuries has not been determined, save that she is suffering a severe concussion of the brain and bruises about the head. She sustained no broken bones, but it is feared that she has internal injuries. Last night it was said that the outcome could hardly be determined until at least forty-eigh hours more had elapsed.
The little girl will be five years old two weeks from tomorrow, and for a birthday present her mother had bought for her a big doll, of which the little girl spoke during her few lucid moments yesterday morning.
H. C. Whitney, the child's father, is in the coat business with his father, C. S. Whitney. The child is the grand-daughter of Lee E. Bower, 1308 East Twenty-third street, and old resident of Kansas City. The automobile that struck her belonged to J. K. Burnham, but was driven by a chauffeur.