April 12, 1907

Editor Gives Notice That Publication
Has Been Suspended.

(Follow up to this earlier item)
"Plain Talk" is to be published no more, at least not by Wilford B. Smith, its publisher and editor. Smith appeared before the board of police commissioners yesterday and announced his intention of giving up the publication.

"I find that my paper is not receiving the sanction of Kansas City's best people," explained Smith, "and while I believed at first that I was right and doing a work that would tend for the moral betterment of the community, the attitude of public sentiment has pointed out to me my error."

Smith, who is but 23 years old, began to publish "Plain Talk" several months ago. It was printed each month in Kansas City, Kas. Three editions were issued, and information against the publisher was issued by I. B. Kimbrell for issuing a publication devoted to scandal. The case is now pending in the criminal court.

Smith said that he came to Kansas City from Texas two years ago for the purpose of publishing such a magazine. Up to the time of launching his enterprise he practiced law. He said that he was an adopted son of W. A. Brann, publisher of the "Iconoclast" at Waco, Tex., until the time Brann was shot by an indignant citizen of that place a few years ago.

Smith's appearance before the board yesterday was for the purpose, if possible, of thwarting action about to be taken by Chief Hayes against the publisher.