Virginia Boy, Disappointed, Started
on the Way Home.
Clark Freeland, 13 years old, from New Martinsville, Va., came west to hunt buffalo and fight Indians. He landed here in April 5 and was first brought to the notice of the police when he tried to beat his way over the new inter-city viaduct. He had been told that the buffalo were all on the other side of the river and he had spent the 75 cents with which he landed.
Yesterday a telegram with money for a ticket home came to the police for the buffalo and Indian hunter from his father, Dr. W. P. Freeland. The police went out and gathered in Clark again and last night he was sent back to the effete East, a disheartened boy.
"I hate to go back," he said, "without having killed a single buffalo. And I haven't seen an Indian either."
"The buffaloes are all hibernating now," he was told by Lieutenant H. W. Hammil, "and the Indians are all out trapping and hunting furs for your Eastern people to wear." The boy said that was too bad, and left.