Convention Pusher Suggests This
Method of Raising Money.
The suggestion has been offered that "convention buttons" would be a good medium through which to keep alive the interest in securing for Kansas City the Republican national convention in 1908, and incidentally be the means of adding a few thousand dollars to the fund that will have to be raised to secure the convention.
"Buttons are a great advertising medium, in a matter like this," said one of the workers for "K. C. in 1908." "Most everyone likes to wear a button on the lapel of his coat and I am sure thousands of men, and women, too, would be glad to enter into the scheme to the extent of buying buttons, if they are placed on sale, and of wearing them to help boost the plan. My idea would be to have the committee that will have charge of soliciting funds, have several thousand buttons made. In the center could appear a picture of Convention hall, surrounded by the words, 'Republican National Convention for Kansas City in 1908.' These buttons would readily sell at one dollar each and would be purchased by thousands of people who, while wising to help get the convention, would not feel able to contribute any great amount to the fund. Get a bunch of hustlers and let them make a thorough canvass of the city offering the buttons for sale. I will venture to say that at least $10,000 could be secured in this manner."