Mrs. Jennie D. Smith, of Denver, and
Mrs. Narcissus Smith Tell Their
Troubles to the Police
-- "Plot to Get Me to
Denver," Says Jennie D.
There must have been all kinds of discord in the Smith family when two Mrs. Smiths, sisters, made up their minds to run away. Both are now in the matron's room at police headquarters. Both are pretty, brown eyed and auburn haired.
One of them is being held a prisoner. Her name is Mrs. Jennie D. Smith from Denver, Col. An officer from there will be here after her this afternoon. A wire to the chief here said that a charge of welling mortgaged property had been placed against her.
Mrs. Jennie D. Smith said that she left her husband in Denver three months ago, going to her sister, Mrs. Narcissus Smith, in Memphis, Tenn.
"My husband threatened to kill me more than once," said Mrs. J. D. Smith. "My sister was there at the time and heard him do so many times. When we separated he gave me all the furniture and told me to keep the roomers or do what I pleased. He said he would make the payments for it. When I got ready to go to Memphis with my sister I sold the furniture, $350 worth of it, for $115. The auction house to which it was sold lost it afterwards to the instalment house. My husband simply wants to get me back there, and into trouble, with the idea that I will go back to him -- but I won't. Not much."
The two sisters went on to Memphis, where two weeks ago, Mrs. Narcissus Smith concluded that life with George Smith, a machinist, could not be endured any longer. So they both "up and left," taking the Memphis woman's 3-year-old baby, Ruth, along with them. Mrs. George Smith was preparing to go back to Denver with her sisters.
Yesterday morning a small, bald, stockily built man went into the office of Chief Hayes and announced that he had come to town to "kidnap me child." After a short talk it was learned that he was after "Baby Ruth," a golden haired beauty.
"I am going to take that kid away from my wife and take it to the home of my sister," he announced. Chief Hayes, however, told Smith that he would walk into all sorts of trouble if he attempted anything of the sort in Kansas City. He was referred to Colonel J. C. Greenman, Humane agent.
It was the order of the colonel that an officer be sent out with Smith, and that all three, husband, wife and baby appear at his office. While Smith and Detective William Bates were scouting in the vicinity of Hasbrook place, Twelfth and Washington streets, where the Mrs. Smiths had resided, Mrs. George Smith appeared at the matron's room to see her sister. When she was told that her husband was here after the child she was more than frantic.
"He'll steal it. He'll steal it, just as sure as fate," she said, hysterically. "I never did him but one mean trick and that was to use his last month's pay check with which to get away. He was just preparing to leave me and go to Panama, and I knew it. Now he wants the baby just for spite."
She was going right home to protect her baby, but was told that Smith was with an officer,and would not dare to do such a thing. On her way downstairs to see Chief Hays and ask his protection, which Colonel Greenman advised, after hearing her story, she encountered "George" right face to face in a narrow hallway.
"Don't you touch me! Don't you speak to me!" she exclaimed, as she sought protection behind a big policeman. Smith wilted when the policeman said, "Phat ye tryin' to do here, hit a lady? G'wan wid ye, er Oi'll drive ye into th' flure like a tack."
Chief Hayes sent Holly Jarboe with Mrs. Smith No. 2 to her rooms at Hasbrook place, where the child was found with a neighbor. She moved right then and there, bag, baggage and baby, to the matron's room at police headquarters, where the chief said she could remain until her sister left for Denver. This afternoon an officer will accompany her to the train to see that no trouble occurs in the Smith family.
"If Smith wants to steal his baby let him go to Denver," said the chief. "We don't allow that here when we know it."