POISONED BY PINEAPPLE. ~ Two Laundry Girls Unconscious After Eating Canned Fruit.

May 17, 1907

Two Laundry Girls Unconscious
After Eating Canned Fruit.

"Pie Grated Pineapple" in a tin can came near causing the death of two young women at the Gate City laundry, 215 West Tenth street, yesterday afternoon. About 2 o'clock the ambulance was summoned from police headquarters and Dr. W. L. Gist of the emergency hospital accompanied it. Upon arrival he found Miss Myrtle Hayes, 20 years old, and Miss Blanch Steele, 21 years old, in an unconscious condition.

Dr. Gist worked with the young women for some time and succeeded in getting them beyond the danger line. They were turned over to a physician, who remained with them until late yesterday afternoon, when they were removed to their homes. Miss Hayes lives at 2915 Mersington and Miss Blanch Steele at 2919 Fairmount avenue.

The physicians were not certain whether the young women suffered from ptomaine or metallic poisoning. The can with over half of the "grated pineapple" was taken to the city hall and turned over to Dr. Walter M. Cross, city chemist. An analysis will not be made of the contents until some time today.

The young women said they bought the can from a grocery Wednesday noon for lunch. "We did not eat much of it then," one said, "and put it away for your lunch today. The can remained open during the interval. We were taken ill after partaking of the pineapple today."

The young woman cashier said, "The girls ate from the can yesterday, but did not experience any bad results. After eating from it today they also went out and ate some ice cream sodas and other truck -- I don't know what. Miss Steele seemed to be the worst affected. She did not regain consciousness until about 4 o'clock and both were still in a dazed condition late in the afternoon when taken home.