May 9, 1907

Georges De Mare, Central High School Art Department Head Killed in the University Building Fire


PROFESSOR GEORGES DE MARE, who was at the head of the art department in Central high school, occupied studio 508, in the southeast corner. He made his way to the fourth floor, and, finding his way blocked with smoke, he jumped to the ground and was almost instantly killed. The remains were taken to Stine's undertaking rooms and later to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hunter, 1202 East Thirty-fourth street, to whose daughter Miss Adeline Hunter, Professor de Mare was married December 26 of last year. He was 38 years of age. The tragic death of Professor de Mare shocked a wide circle of friends. He had been at the head of the art department of Central high school for the past two years, ever since coming to the city. He was universally liked by the pupils, and his death cast a gloom over the entire school. 

 Professor de Mare came of a family more than noted in the art world. His maternal grandfather was G. P. A. Healey, one of the greatest of American painters, who had painted portraits of Clay, Lincoln, and other notables. His father, who was a noted painter in Paris, died in that city a few years ago. The professor himself was born in this country, but was educated and lived in Paris until a few years ago. He held various responsible positions in leading art institutions of the country, especially in Chicago. His mother and two sisters live in Denver, another sister is in Paris, and two aunts, Mrs. Judge Hill and Mrs. Besley, live in Chicago. 

 Mr. and Mrs. Hunter were notified of the accident and Mr. Hunter and his daughter left the house for the scene of the fire without knowing at the time that Professor de Mare was dead. The tragic event prostrated the members of the entire household.