June 19, 1907

Grocer Who Sold Less Than Five
Gallons Pleads Guilty.

The city won an important test case yesterday morning before Judge Wallace, of the criminal court, when Martin O. Brandmeyer, of Brandmeyer Bros. Grocery, 924 West Twenty-fourth street, who was arrested last week for selling beer in less than five gallon lots, pleaded guilty and was fined $100.

The arrest was made on the complaint of W. H. Harrison, city license inspector, who announced that it was a test case, and the beginning of a crusade to stop the rather general sale of beer in less than five-gallon lots by grocery stores throughout the city.

The specific charge to which Martin Brandmeyer pleaded guilty was selling a case of twenty-four pint bottles of beer, or a total of only three gallons, and delivering it from his store to a residence.