June 4, 1907

Judge Goodrich Believes Nerves
Might Influence in Damage Case.

A few minutes after Rose Stauffer, of Moberly, Mo., took the witness chair in Judge J. E. Goodrich's division of the circuit court yesterday afternoon to testify regarding how she had been injured in a street car accident in Rosedale two years and a half ago she went into hysterics and fainted. Dr. E. L. Mathias, who was attending juvenile court, across the hall, was summoned and succeeded in restoring the woman to consciousness.

Inasmuch as the plaintiff alleges that one permanent result of the injury, because of which she wants $20,000 damages, is that her nerves are affected. Judge Goodrich thinks that her fainting may prejudice the jury. He adjourned the case until this morning, when a new jury will be secured.