Man Who Stabbed Him Says It
Was in Self-Defense.
Guy Sykes, 1614 Grand avenue, who was stabbed in the groin at Seventeenth street and Grand avenue about 1 o'clock yesterday morning by a man unknown to him, is doing very well at the general hospital. Unless peritonitis should develop the would will not prove serious, the hospital physicians say. Sykes said that he met a man, had a few words with him and was stabbed.
Shortly after the trouble W. H. Thomas, of 1719 Grand avenue, was arrested by the police of the Walnut street station. At police headquarters yesterday he said: "I was standing on the corner talking to an old man. A man came up to me and asked some question or other. He was drunk and I paid no attention to him. Then he struck me. I had a knife in my hand at the time and struck him once. Then I ran. I don't know the man and never saw him before.