July 2, 1907

Tailors Couldn't See Joke of Dressed-
Up Dog.

Jim Godard, the tailor who appropriated a stray pup Saturday, sheared its shaggy hair off and then fitted it up with a white broadcloth collar and cuff bottom trousers to match, was arraigned in police court yesterday charged with plain drunk.

"What became of the pup?" Judge Kyle asked.

"The police took off its cuff bottom pants, slipped the collar off and turned it loose," the arresting officer said.

"'Twas the best dressed dog in town, too," said Godard, "even if it did have its clothes made free of charge."

Godard pleaded guilty and was fined $2. M. J. Tolbert, a tailor at 1825 Grand avenue, said that Godard had started a fight among his tailors after he had taken the dressed-up dog there. "I want him to stay away from there."

"Just ask him to stay away; tell him you don't want him visiting there," advised Judge Kyle.