Son Dies in Father's Arms as Mother
Rushes Forward.
Before his mother could rush forward to greet him, Otto W. Humphrey, who was being brought back to his home from New Mexico, died in his father's arms as they entered the house last evening. Humphrey, who was 20 years old, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Humphrey, had been taken to New Mexico several weeks ago, in hopes of gaining relief from tubwercular trouble. His father, who was formerly alderman from the Fourtheenth ward, went after him a few days ago, returning last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey have been boarding at the home of M. F. Simmons, 216 Garfield avenue, and it was to this address taht the young man was taken.
Otto W. Humphrey was attending school in Florida when he contracted the disease.