July 8, 1907

Department on Scouting Tour finds
Burning House in Ruins.

The dwelling of Charles Bosley, 3211 Myrtle avenue, was almost totally destroyed by fire together with its contents, just before midnight last night. The family were absent in Kansas on a visit and when neighbors discovered the flames the structure was doomed.

A remarkable feature of the fire was that while many people telephoned fire headquarters that a fire could be seen in the southeast part of town, all who phoned said they were not near it and could not give its location. William Rothrum, fire alarm operator, could do nothing but send out a scouting company to try and locate it. Hose company No. 18, of Twenty-sixth street and Prospect avenue, was given the task, and on finding the location also found it useless to call for help as the house was six or seven blocks outside of the fire zone and was beyond saving. The total loss was estimated at $2,500.