August 31, 1907

Minstrel Performer Has Become
Estranged From His Family.

Billy Williams, the old-time minstrel, is wandering lost somewhere in Kansas City, according to his wife, with the youngest of their seven children. She came on from Iola, Kas., last night, where until Wednesday Williams was assisting organizing an amateur show, looking for him. She called at No. 4 police station, and asked for assistance to locate the husband.

Williams had slept at 215 West Sixteenth street with Gus Manning Thursday night, but had become separated from Manning yesterday forenoon after going down town. At midnight Williams had not been found.
August 31, 1907

North End Children to Travel to Lex-
ington in Luxurious Style.

Owing to the failure of the steamer Tennessee to arrive on schedule time a change of mode of transportation of the fifty North end children by the Helping Hand to the battlefield of Lexington, Mo., for a week's vacation has been made necessary. The youngsters, through the liberality of William Voelker, are to ride to their destination in a private car that will leave the Grand Central depot at 5 o'clock this evening. The people of Lexington will assist in entertaining the visitors.
August 31, 1907

Policemen Must Refrain While Doing
Duty in Uniform.

"No smoking while on duty or in uniform."

"No drinking in or out of uniform, on or off duty, and no frequenting of saloons except on police business."

The foregoing was the gist of a special order issued by Chief Ahern yesterday to the commanding officers of all the stations. He lays stress upon the fact that this rule must be obeyed or "somebody will be hauled before the board of police commissioners for trial."

"It is a police order, good for the department," said the chief, "and must be obeyed."
August 31, 1907

High School Applicants Needn't Come
Before 7:30 A. M.

Central high school authorities have done away with the necessity for school children to be in line before daybreak in order to draw numbers. Monday morning all those who get to the school by 7:30 will be allowed to draw numbers immediately. Those who arrive after 7:30 will have to wait for another drawing.
August 31, 1907

Back Bar Fell on James Leary at
Sixth and Oak.

The unloading of barrels of beer at the saloon of James Leary, Sixth and Oak streets, yesterday afternoon caused the back bar to fall, striking Leary on the head and shoulders and felling him to the floor. Dr. J. Park Neal found a "horseshoe-shaped" cut of large dimensions on the top of Leary's head, extending into the skull. His right shoulde was bruised, as was also the hand on that side, which he had thrown up for protection. After his wounds were dressed at emergency hospital he was taken to his home, Sixth and Cherry streets.
August 23, 1907

Not By Choice John Selby Must Turn

Globe Trotter.

As much as John Selby dislikes to travel it is his move again. About a month ago he was fined $50 in police court and given a stay conditioned upon his leaving town. Yesterday morning he landed in Kansas City at 3 o'clock and in fifteen minutes Patrolman J. W. Bailey, who had been his nemesis before
August 30, 1907


Men Who Had Once Transgressed the
Law Declare the Police Will
Not Permit Them to
Live Upright

What appears to be a flagrant case of police oppression occurred in police court yesterday. Three young men, who, so far as the police know, have been leading correct lives of late, had been arrested on suspicion and were held on the indefinite charge of "investigation." The young men were Virgil Dale, Frank Smith and Thomas O' Neal.

When the men were arraigned before Judge Young, Detective Edward Boyle said:

These men are bad ones. They have all done time, they don't work and they are hop fiends."

"I never smoked hop in my life," said O'Neal, "and I am working now."

"I can prove that I am working, too," said Smith.

"I have been here but eight days," said Dale. "When I was younger I mixed in bad company and committed a crime. I confessed it before a justice and was fined. My mother lives here. No matter what I have been I still desire to see my mother. On account of the crime I committed I am picked up and held for investigation every time I get in town. Ever since I have been here I have been at home putting down carpets, but last night I ventured out and was arrested. I have been jobbed here before, in this court. I have done nothing on earth to be arrested for."

Inspector Charles Ryan entered the court room at this moment and Detective Boyle said:


"Judge Young, this is Inspector Ryan. Listen to what he has to say."

"We haven't anything particularly against these men, except that they are bad ones," Ryan said. "We have pictures of the two of them and they are hop fiends."

Again came the denial from the men that there was no such evidence and they explained that their pictures had been taken on a similar occasion when they were arrested "for investigation" but were released.

"What do you want done with them?" asked Judge Young, who had listened with interest.

"Fine them $500 and give them a stay to leave town," suggested Boyle.

"I will go," said each man, "but I have done nothing and do not intend to break the law."

Believing that he was following the custom of the court, Judge Young assessed the $500 fines and ordered the men released so they could leave town.

Just as they started to leave the court room, however, they were all huddled together, rearrested before the judge and placed again in the holdover.

"What's all that for?" asked Judge Young. "I thought it was agreed that those men should go? One of those men has a mother here, and I don't blame him or any other man for wanting to see his mother."


"It's the first time I have ever said so in this court," spoke up Fred Coon, city attorney, "but I have seen this same things many times, and said nothing. It strikes me that this is a straight 'job' on these men because, in years past, they have done nothing wrong. There is no charge now against them."

"I don't understand such proceedings" said Judge Young, "and I want to say that in this court it looks mighty shady. I don't like it at all. Instead of recording fines and stays against these men, I shall make a clean record of 'discharged' in each case."

That made no difference, however. Once they had sinned, and they must suffer for it. Dale, in particular, was very frank in his statement to the court about himself.

"When a man has once done wrong," said Dale, sadly, "the people might help him to live a better life, but the police won't let him. Once in my life I was convicted on my own confession. For that I have been made a roamer on the face of the earth, no place to lay my head, no place to call home -- though I have a home, and a mother here in this city. Is it right? Is it just?"

After court Inspector Charles Ryan was asked why the men had been rearrested when the court had released them on a fine suggested by a detective and concurred in by him.

"We are just holding them for investigation," he said.


"Have you anything against them?" he was asked.

"No," he said, "we are just holding them for show up -- investigation is the only charge.

"Will any charge be placed against these men?" was the next question.

"We have none," he replied.

It is charged by a majority of the men who have sinned and fallen into the hands of the police that no matter how hard they try to reform and live upright lives, the police won't permit them to go in peace. The fact that a man has once done wrong damns him forever in the eyes of the police, even though he may have explated his crime by long hours of weary servitude. Ex-criminals declare that the greatest foes they have to right living are the police.
August 30, 1907

Man Assaulted and Robbed in Store
Dies From Injury.

H. A. Woodman, the furniture dealer, who was found unconscious in his store at 1112-14 East Eighteenth street Wednesday afternoon, the result of a blow over the head from a hammer used by a robber, died about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the German hospital. From the time he was found until his death Mr. Woodman never regained consciousness. The police have no clue to the murderer, and it is probably this will be added to the list of mysterious murders the police have been unable to run down.
August 29, 1907

Upon Being Rescued Woman Said
She Was Tired of Life.

Mrs. Maggie Lewellen, who lives near the Quindaro water works, attempted suicide yesterday afternoon by throwing herself into the Missouri river in full view of several employes at the p umping station. They hastened to rescue and dragged her from the river. The woman had sunk twice before the rescuing party reached her and was unconscious when rescued.

After rolling her on the ground and releasing a quantity of water from her lungs, she revived sufficeintly to be taken home, where a physician was summoned. When asked her reason for her act, she is said to have remarked that she was tired of life and wished to die.
August 29, 1907

Negro Who Believes Some One Seeks
His Life.

"Sonny" Harris, a negro North end character, believed last night that he was followed by a crowd of men who threatened his life. He starled the populace about Third and Main streets by running madly along the thoroughfare and screaming for someone to protect him. Jack Julian and B. C. Sanderson, plain clothes officers, later found the negro crouched behind a billboard in an alley near Third and Delaware streets. He had a rock in his hand and was directing dire threats toward an imaginary man in the alley. The policemen seized him and after inducing him to throw away the rock took him to police headquarters. When the trio reached the front of the station door the negro turned to the officers and asked if they saw a man shoot at him three times as they were crossing the street.

Harris, while recently in a similar frame of mind, ran all the way from Sheffield to police headquarters and there collapsed. He then imagined he was being pursued by assassins.
August 29, 1907

Middle West Newspapers Quoting L.
M. Jones' Timely Address.

All the leading newspapers of the Middle West are complying with the publicity department of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress to publish extracts furnished them from the speech delivered by Lawrence M. Jones, of this city, president of the Missouri Valley River Improvement Association. Particular attention is called to a somewhat humorous and yet serious portion, in which Mr. Jones said:

"We are told that some of our Eastern friends are opposed to improving the Western waterways. We are not yet prepared to believe that. We have a warm feeling for the East. We remember, in the times of the drought in the West, you sent us your old clothes to wear. We remember when you loaned us money at healthy rates of interest -- when we had good collateral to offer. We wish to inform you that we are now wearing tailored clothes and are buying your paper in the West -- when you offer us attractive rates of interest and the proper amount of collateral. We have always paid willingly for the improvement of your rivers and harbors. But the time has come when we are asking taht the great internal waterways -- that is, the great rivers of the West --have some attention from the government, and we ask you of the east to take as liveral a view of the question as the West did when you desired the govermnet to improve your rivers and your harbors."
August 29, 1907

Feared for Father's Safety and Found
Him in Street Injured.

A premonition that some harm had befallen her father, who did not return to his home at his accustomed hour led Miss Pamfret, daughter of W. C. Pamfret, of 2025 East Nineteenth street, to go upon a search for him that ended when she found him lying unconscious at the intersection of Eighth and Walnut streets last night at 11 o'clock. A fall from a street car a few minutes befroe had gathered about him a crowd of curiosity seekers. The daughter pressed her way through the crowd and tenderly cared for her father until the emergency ambulance arrived.

Pamfret, who is the president of a medicine company with offices down town, was in the habit of going home to dinner about 6 o'clock. Business detained him until a late hour, and the daughter decided to go to his office, fearing that something might have happened to him.

The young woman accompanied her father to the emergency hospital, where his wounds, painful but not serious, were dressed.
August 28, 1907

Baby Whose Coughing Kept Roomers
Awake is Dead.

Mrs. E. J. Wise, a frail woman, bearing a pale and emanciated child of less than 2 years in her arms, laboriously climbed the stairway leading to police headquarters about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. The child was suffering with tuberculosis. The woman said she and the babe had been ejected from a rooming house on Walnut street because the baby's coughing kept other roomers in the house awake. The woman and baby were cared for in the police matron's department until later in the morning, when the child was removed to the Emergency hospital, where it died a few minutes later.

The woman, who is a widow, came here with her babe from Webb City, Mo.
August 27, 1907

Silver Tube in Throat Became Dis-
placed During a Fight.

In a fight with a street car conductor near Fifth street and Broadway yesterday afternoon, a silver tube in the throat of Antonio Habto, through which he breathed, was pushed out of place, and only through prompt surgical attention the man was saved from asphyxiation. Rabto is a barber, 67 years old, and lives at 1307 West Ninth street. He boarded a westbound Fifth street car and tendered the conductor a transfer not good on that line. An argument followed. Rabto claims that the conductor then choked him, and that the tube in his throat was pushed inward and to one side, causing it to become clogged up in such a manner as to almost entirely cut off his breathing. A police ambulance was summoned, and Dr. J. Park Neal, an ambulance surgeon, administered treatment while tha man was being removed to the emergency hospital At the hospital the tube was properly replaced.
August 27, 1907

When Wheeler Struck a Light the
Building Burst Into Flames.

E. Wheeler, of 2028 Charlotte, has found the most expensive plumber. One who was working on the gas pipes in his house yesterday forenoon left a joint open and went to lunch. Mr. Wheeler came home and ate a cold snack himself. It was too hot for cooked stuff, so there was no occasion for lighting a match until Wheeler was ready for his after dinner smoke. Then the odorless natural gas, a houseful of it, flashed into a blaze, and before the firedepartment arrived $250 damage was done to the building and $200 to contents.
August 27, 1907

Merely Moved His Home Into a Sign
Near the Grand.

A sly old rogue is the Grand opera house sparrow. After living for three years on an electric light wire under the canopy at the main entrance to the theater, within view and almost the reach of the patrons of the house, the sparrow -- a bachelor and without a nest -- the little bird disappeared the night before the house opened for this season.

That was a week ago. There was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth on the part of the cop on the beat, the "all-kinds-of-chewing-gum-and-candy-man," not to omit Manager Judah. Yesterday morning early the news spread that the little bird had been found again. During his patrol in the early morning the policeman noticed a chirping somewhere in the innards of an electric light lign ten or twelve feet away from the Grand opera house canopy. It was the runaway. The policeman told the janitor, the janitor told the treasurer and the treasurer told the manager, and in that way the whole establishment learned that the sparrow had not deserted.

"It is our bird, sure enough," said Manager Judah yesterday. "We know every feather in him. His new bachelor quarters are better lighted than his old roost under the canopy, but he will not get to see nearly so many people. We know this is our sparrow because the top and the end of his tail is ruffled. He slept with his back to our bricks for three years, and in setting on his perch he ruffled his long tail. This would identify him in a taxidermists' establishment. Moreover, there never was a bachelor sparrow in this electric light sign till now. This is our bird, all right," and Manager Judah beamed.
August 27, 1907




He Will Be Taken for a Drive Over
the Boulevards -- Public Recep-
tion to Be Held at the Ho-
tel Baltimore in the

Secretary of War Taft will arrive in Kansas City at 5:32 o'clock this afternoon over the Frisco from Olathe, Kas. He will be met at Olathe by Mayor Beardsley, E. L. Winn, T. R. Marks, W. C. Michaels, R. B. Middlebrook and J. A. Harzfeld. In the party will also be Senator Warner, who ment with the secretary at Springfield yesterday.

The secretary will make no speeches while in Kansas City. A public reception will be held in the parlors of the Baltimore hotel at 8:30 o'clock tonight.

The general reception committee will go to the depot in twelve automobiles, graciously loaned by private citizens. These will meet at the Grand avenue entrance to the Midland hotel at 4:45 o'clock this afternon, starting for the depot at 5:15. The secretary wil be taken for a drive over the boulevards and then to the Baltimore for dinner. Breakfast will be served in the secretary's room tomorrow morning. He will tehn be entertained by R. B. Middleton, a member of the reception committee and a classmate of Taft's.

William Clough and W. B. C. Brown will have charge of the automobiles to be used for the boulevards drive.
August 26, 1907


Grease Paint and Gay Costume Hide
Aching Heart of Kansas City
Actress -- Penitent Ball
Player Is Put on
Mabel Hite, Famous Actress from Kansas City
Pretty Kansas City Actress Who
Put Her Husband, Mike Donlin, of the
New York Giants, on Probation.

CHICAGO, Aug. 25 (Special). -- Grease paints and uncouth costume can hide a breaking heart from the laughing audience on the other side of the footlights, but when Mabel Hite yesterday afternoon sought the only refuge she had, a 4x5 dressing box -- it couldn't be called even by courtesy a room -- large tears stole down a woebegone, little face.

She wiped them off with the corner of a Turkish towel, taking a bit of the rouge with it and hoped Mike would get better.

For the pretty little Kansas City girl sent Mike Donlin, the ball player, who is her husband, down to New York, buying his ticket and giving him the price of a Russian bath, which boiled out the remnants of the various liquids that had developed four days' spree, with an assault on a cabdriver and a cell in the police station for trimmings.

Donlin has promised to cut out booze in the future and sign with the New York Giants and if he's good for the next six months he can come back -- otherwise a divorce.


I can't stand it any longer," said the little comedienne -- she's a child in figure and manner. "Now you don't think it's such a dreadful thing for a woman's husband to get drunk and in the newspapers, do you? But it means so much when you love a man and he'd promised not to do it. And every time it happens it's so much worse and it worries me so I can't sleep and I have to go out before that audience and act like a fool and make them laugh, and sing my songs and dance, and my heart is breaking. For he's good to me, except when he forgets himself."

A little while before she'd been singing "For I'm Married Now," and the appreciate ones on the other side of the footlights who'd called her back six or seven times, didn't know how hard -- how extremely hard -- it was to carry a smiling face through the trying ordeal.


But she'd cut out two verses, and old players who remembered them and had heard about Mike knew the reason.

I'd like to go with you to lunchin'
But I've got a hunchin
That I'd get a punchin'
And I just hate to wear a veil
For I'm married now.

That was one of the verses that was eliminated from her song in "A Knight for a Day" at Whitney's. The other was:

Tell Mike a lie
I'd best not try.
I may be fly --
But no fly gets by him.

And the villain -- he admitted he was all that and was most penitent -- was in the office of the playhouse. He had slunk past the policeman who has been on guard for the last three days, fearing a possible outbreak by the ball player and was waiting to send a message of extreme contrition -- a message that Mabel wouldn't receive in person.


There were plenty of peacemakers, but nothing but a six months' probation will answer for Mike. James Callahan, his friend and manager of the Logan Squares, who had straightened matters up with the police, told how the husband and wife had slept in his house, at Thirty-fifth street and Indiana avenue, last Thursday night, unknown to each other.

After the cab episode, and after Callahan had got the soused one out of a police cell, he took him home. Mabel, who lives a block away, went to Callahan's house in great trouble.

A little earlier Thursday night Donlin went to the theater and demanded to see his wife. His breath was thick and he talked loud. Jouhny Slavin took him down to the corner and argued him into a cab, and that was why the scrubwoman's part in the show that night -- Donlin's role -- was performed by an understudy.

Donlin met Mabel Hite a year and a half ago in New York, and they were married soon afterward. He never saw her act before the marriage. She was in vaudeville or something similar. Off the stage she's girlish and pretty. Donlin met her at a dinner party.
August 26, 1907

Morris Goldasky Journeys From
Africa to Sister's Marriage.

A. J. Bergman and Miss Alice Goldasky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Goldasky, of Elmdale station, were married last night at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Bernard Millman, 220 East Fifth street. Rabbi Lieberman officiated. A brother of the bride, Morris Goldasky, a mining expert of South Africa, who had not been home in years, came in time to attend the ceremony. His homecoming was somewhat of a surprise, as he had expressed no intentions of doing so when he wrote to his sister last, and when he appeared on the scene of the wedding no one present suspected that he was any closer to Kansas City than Cape Town. Another brother, Herman Goldasky, of Denver, was also present. Mr. and Mrs. Bergman will be at home at 2113 Olive street after September 1.
August 25, 1907

He Peppered North End Loiterers
With Ripe Tomatoes.

After an extended absence of eight long months in which his presence was pleasantly missed, George ("Red") Mulkey appeared in police court yesterday. "Red" is one of the sort of men who can "whip his weight in wild cats" when he is "steeped with wine," but will walk timidly forward and eat out of the court sergeant's hand in police court.

"After being released on bond," said the officer, "I found him out here on the corner of Fourth and Walnut, a tomato in each hand. Citizens, farmers and others were dodging in every direction as Red was bouncing the big red bulbs off of any who came in his path. And he is a dead shot, too."

"Red" told his old time story of "doin' nothing to nobody" and again referred to how nicely he could get along "if these coppers would attend to their own business and let me alone."

"On account of the fact that you haven't been in here for so long a time," began the court.

"He couldn't. He was out of town," said Patrolman Kennedy. "We'd had him if he'd been in town."

The court smiled and continued, "I will fine you only $10. That you can pay, I know."

"Red" didn't have the money but was given a chance to go out and get it. He was back in ten minutes with the money. On account of his alacrity he was given a stay for half the fine. He paid the $5 and asked: "Judge, what brand of cigar do you smoke?" The judge did not reply. "Red" is a union horseshoer so he bled himself forth and soon returned with a hand full of "good" cigars made in "Kansas City, U. S. A."

"Them's all union made, too," said "Red" as he distributed them to the court, court attaches, and newpaper men.
August 25, 1907


Woman's Mind Is Getting Stronger
and She Is Able to Identify Re-
latives From Photographs
Possessed by Uncle.

Mrs. Robert Morrissey, of Boston, Mass., the young woman who landed here about two weeks ago with two small children and entirely forgot her past life, is now at the home of her uncle S. H. Pierce, 3711 East Sixteenth street. When Mrs. Morrisey was turned over to the police and later quartered at the Helping Hand institute, she did not know how she got to Kansas City. When her uncle, Mr. Pierce, appeared she did not know him, but lately her mind has cleared considerably and she, little by little, is remembering.

She has received a letter from her husband whom she placed in a hospital at Lynn, Mass., some weeks ago. He was greatly surprised to learn of her predicament in Kansas City, as he believed her at their home in Boston. He was expecting her back to the hospital to nurse him as the institution was short of nurses and had asked her to come. She had left there to go home, store her household goods, see to the care of her children and return. That is the last thing she remembers up to a day last week when her uncle here caused her to speak the name of her brother, Gerald.

Mrs. Morrisey's trunk, which had been left by her at Cleveland, O., has been received here, Mr. Pierce having sent the check on there for it. When opened it was packed entirely with bed clothing, blankets, quilts, sheets, pillow slips, etc. Not a stitch of the clothing Mrs. Morrisey expected was in the trunk. She thinks that she made the mistake by taking a trunk she had intended to store when she left home in her absent state of mind.

Another thing which she cannot explain is the presence of some of the children's clothing and a few of her own in a mouse colored suitcase. She says she never possessed a suitcase of that description. That is one of the many mysteries which will have to be cleared up later..

Mr. Pierce has received a letter from Mrs. Morrisey's father, S. W. Leavitt of Mansfield, Mass. He was also surprised to know that his daughter was here. He told Mr. Pierce that he would leave for Kansas City in a short time to take her home. He cannot account for his daughter's queer freak of packing up and leaving home with her two small children -- one of them only a few months old -- unless it be that the illness of Mr. Morrisey had caused her to suffer a season of double consciousness from worry.

"She has greatly improved," said Mr. Pierce yesterday. "When I first saw her two weeks ago she did not know me and could recognize none of the family pictures I showed her. Now she can pick out her relatives from any pictures I show her. All of her past life has come back to her with the exception of the period embraced in the time she left home and landing here. She knows nothing of how she left, why she left, what route she took here or what occurred during her trip. The more we think of it, we are sure that the telegram about her being in Terre Haute, Ind., is a fake, for we cannot trace her anywheres near there. If that be true, the statement accredited to her there is also a fake."

Mrs. Pierce, who has been away from the city, is at home now, and the distressed niece and her children are receiving the best of attention. Mr. Leavitt, Mrs. Morrisey's father, in his letter to Mr. Pierce, states that his daughter had suffered from short spells of lapse of memory, but that none had been as serious as the recent one.
August 25, 1907


Came Direct Here From Ireland and
Was Prominent in Business
Affairs and Politics of
the City.

John C. Mahoney, retired, capitalist, former politician and a resident of Kansas city for forty years, died last evening at his home, 2204 East Fourteenth street, as the result of a stroke of apoplexy experienced last Monday. His wife died five years ago. The surviving members of the family are Mrs. Thomas Phillips, wife of the former police captain and state coal oil inspector; John G., Dr. J. T., Wolford B., Francis, Ella, and Ruth Mahoney.

The deceased was born in the County of Cork, Ireland, sixty years ago and at the age of 20 years immigrated to Kansas City, which was then in its infancy. He took a job as common laborer and while in such service helped to build the Hannibal bridge. Being a man of frugal and temperate habits and keen to the future prospects of Kansas City, he invested his savings in real estate and good securities. His wealth gradually increased, and some years ago he retired from active commercial pursuits to enjoy the fruits of his frugality and business foresight. His fortune is estimated at $300,000.

In politics Mr. Mahoney was a Democrat, and as such served the Third ward in the council for a number ofyears. During late years he disagreed with the individual politics of the men in charge of the Democratic party, and became a free lance. Very often he found it necessary to verbally and by pen and ink criticise the would-be leaders, and he always did in in thorough Donnybrook fashion. Mahoney was particularly prominent in his opposition to the second candidacy of J. A. Reed for mayor, and he livened up the campaign with speeches and letter writing.

During his lifetime Mr. Mahoney made one visit to the land of his birth, and he came back vowing vengeance on British officials, whom he described as having "a banana on one shoulder and an orange on the other."

"A man who can't live in the United States," declared Mr. Mahoney, "can't live at all. I'll never go back to Ireland. I've had enough of it, and enough is enough."


August 24, 1907


Attempt of One Man to Shoot An-
other, After a Three-Cornered
Struggle, Looked Upon as
a Sort of Joke.

It was scarcely an hour after David Edwards had shot at Jim Cummings yesterday noon, and "shot to kill" to use Edwards' own words, as he lay in jail, that Miss Feta Parmer, one of the hundred women at the Quantrell raiders' reunion at Wallace grove, who saw the shooting at close range, said:

"Oh, it's nothing! I turned around to see who was fighting and then went on about my business."
"It didn't amount to anything," another woman said. "The old men just had a quarrel."

The shooting truly did not terminate fatally, because Edwards missed Cummings and the stray bullet merely grazed the feet of two other men, but it would have broken up almost any other picnic. But the veterans of the Quantrell raids, their wives and daughters, forgot all about it in fifteen minutes and resumed their merrymaking. Even Cummings, the man shot at, treated the matter as a joke. Cummings was with the James brothers during their bloody days and has seen some real fighting. The only person who seemed excited was Jack Noland, a negro, who was Quantrell's hostler. When Edwards fired, Noland got behind a tree.

"I won't prosecute Edwards," Cummings said. "I understand that he has called me a thief and all that, but I'll let it pass. I'm not afraid of him. He was standing less than three feet from me when he pointed the revolver at my head and fired, and all he did was to hit the other men on the feet. He'll never have a better chance to kill me again, and if he couldn't succeed this time he can't do it later."


Joseph Stewart, deputy marshal and bailiff of the criminal court, helped prevent bloodshed. He was standing beside Cummings, talking over old times, when Edwards caame up and got into a quarrel with Cummings. Edwards pulled a revolver out of his pocket and fired a shot. Cummings stepped forward and grabbed his hand. Edwards jerked the imprisoned hand free and threw it around Cummings' neck, pointing the barrel of the pistol down Cummings' spine. Stewart grasped the pistol, sticking his thumb through the aperture back of the trigger to keep Edwards from shooting Cummings in the back, and tried to wrest the weapon from his hand. In the struggle the three men fell. Edwards still holding the weapon and pulling on the trigger, which wouldn't work with Stewart's thumb caught in it.

Kit Rose, a brother-in-law of Cole Younger, intervened. He searched Cummings to see if he, too, had a gun, and then Rose and Cummings jerked Edwards' revolver from his hand. Stewart's thumb was badly bruised in the struggle.


The bullet was afterwards found. It had struck the toe of W. H. Perkins' shoe, glanced hit the rung of a chair and athen stuck in the sole of Dr. Oliver C. Sheley's foot, but did not have force enough left to break the skin. Dr. Sheley lives in Independence. Mr. Perkins is from Oak Grove. Perkins has the bullet as a souvenir of the occasion.

Edwards was detained at the county jail last night, and slept in the deputy marshal's bedroom. He will be sent to the Confederate Veterans' home in Higginsville today.

There are four or five stories of how the trouble between him and Cummings arose. Edwards says Cummings had been threatening him ever since a year ago last Halloween night, when a pet raccoon was stolen from his room at the Confederate home. He accuesed Cummings of the theft and Cummings became sore.

They have had quarrels since. Both men are inmates of the Higginsville Confederate home. Edwards was with Quantrall a year, and assisted in the burning of Lawrence, Kas. He is 73 years old, while Cummings is but 56. Cummings was one of the followers of the James boys.
August 23, 1907

Not by Choice John Selby Must Turn
Globe Trotter.

As much as John Selby dislikes to travel it is his move again. About a month ago he was fined $50 in police court and given a stay conditioned upon his leaving town. Yesterday morning he landed in Kansas City at 3 o'clock and in fifteen minutes Patrolman J. W. Bailey who had been his Nemesis before, had him in line. In police court he told Judge Kyle of his travels during the last month and added:

"But of all the spots on earth give me dear old K. C., the gateway to the West. She is the place for me."

"Not for long, John, I am sorry to state," replied the court. "Travel some more and don't come back until you have circumvented the globe. In that time there may be a new police judge on the bench, new policemen on these North end beats and no one will know you. It's best."

He sullenly acquiesced, bowed to the inevitable and the judge and left.
August 23, 1907

Only Those With Courage Need Apply
for This Bit of Surgery.

If there are any veterinary dentists in this vicinity who want to earn $50 for completing a single crown, they will have the opportunity during the big Inter-State fair at Elm Ridge this fall. The work of crowning a tooth in the mouth of one of the performers has been incomplete and Captain Dyer , manager of the wild animal department of the Parker amusement shows, offers $50 to the dentist who will complete the job. Incidentally, it may be remarked that the patient is Prince, the big African lion who is the star feature of the menagerie connected with the shows.

The Greater Parker Amusement shows will furnish some of the greatest exposition acts of the season and will attract thousands of people to the fair. There ar a gerat many separate shows combined into the one big aggregation. Prominent among the features, outside the wild animal show, are the Sunflower Belles, who give an up-to-date musical comedy show that has received great praise. These girls have a full-fledged organization among themselves for mutual protection, sick benefits, etc. The "Flying Valentines" is another act which has created enthusiasm wherever the show has been given.
August 23, 1907

Crenshaw's Pet Was Convicted of Bit-
ing the Neighborhood Boys.

John Crenshaw, 1611 Norton avenue, had a dog. Willie Haas, 1327 Norton avenue, passed the Crenshaw home Wednesday. The dog bit him severely on the leg. Chreshaw did not appear in court yesterday, but his wife did.

"Yes," she admitted, "our dog bit this boy, and it has bitten other boys, too, I believe."

"You are very frank about it," said Judge Kyle, "most people try to protect their dogs, right or wrong. It is the order of this court thatyour dog be taken from whence it came and shot in the head until it is dead, dead, dead."

"When may I expect the execution?" asked the woman.

"Between sunup and sundown today," said the court, seriously.
August 23, 1907

Professor Cantanzara's Musicians to
Accompany the Sieben Excursion.

Henry Sieven, wharfmaster of the port of Kansas City, and his excursion party, will set sail for St. Louis on the steamer Chester at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon. The boat will heave anchor at the foot of Delaware street. Mr. Sieven said yesterday that he had received invitations from Lexington, Miami, Boonville, Jefferson City, Hermann, Washington and St. Charles, asking his tourists to visit their towns.

Prof. John Cananzara's Royal Italian band, which is to accompany the excursionists, serenaded the newspaper offices last night. There are twenty eight musicians in this organization and they play excellent music under the capable leadership of Prof. Cantanzara.
August 23, 1907

Got Away from the Institutional
Church and Returned Home.

Leading his 4-year-old sister by the hand, both their faces wreathed in smiles, and happy because they were going home, Fred Sockman, an 8-year-old boy, made his escape from the Institutional church last night and found his way, unguided, to his mother's home in Independence. A street car conductor gave the boy and his sister passage to Independence, where he gleefully told the story of his deliverance to his mother, who welcomed him with a warmth begotten by long and enforced separation.

The children were taken to the Institutional church several days ago by order of a court, following a quarrel between their father and mother, who live at Independence. The father was locked up in the county jail on a charge of wife beating. The children will be returned to the Institutional church today.
August 22, 1907

Barton Thought Wife Drank Florida
Water; She Is Dead.

When Mrs. Mildred L. Barton, 15 West Fifteenth street, drank carbolic acid before her husband, William Barton, last night, he thought it was Florida water. They had quarreled and she soon after started to a drug store, as she said, to buy Florida water. At 7:30 o'clock she re-entered the room and swallowed the contents of a a two-ounce bottle.

The Walnut street police ambulance, half a block away, was called and Dr. G. R. Dagg gave the woman emergency treatment as the team galloped to the city hospital, but she died ten minutes after being placed in the operating table.
August 22, 1907

Headache Prescription That Contains
One-Seventh of a Grain.

A Troost avenue druggist was approached yesterday morning by a woman with a prescription for headache.

"I have had headache for many years, but not until I began taking these powders did I secure relief," the woman said. "O, they are just fine -- a dozen powders, please."

The clerk passed behind the prescription case with the slip of paper.

He read thereon among other ingredients a demand for one-seventh of a grain of morphine to each powder. His first impulse was to decline to fill the prescription, but then he happpened to think that she was an educated woman and could read as well as he.

"I am not surprised, madame, that your headaches are relieved by this remedy," almost tremulously rejoined the druggist as he handed the woman her package and took a coin.

"My husband sometimes takes them, too, but baby is scarcely old enough to have a headache. When she does, though, you bet she must take them like the rest of us," declared the woman.

"Poor baby," sighed the druggist.
August 22, 1907


Negro Thought He Had "Licked" an
Army Before He Subdued Spouse.

"I don't believe there was anybody but my wife and me in that fight, but before I got through I thought I was fighting an army," explained Bert Balckburn, a negro porter, 25 years old, at the Emergency hospital. His wife had broken a water pitcher over his head.

Blackburn lives at 411 East Tenth street and, according to his own confession, went home and attempted to chastise his wife. He bore a number of cuts about the head and face, and his general appearance showed plainly marks of the combat.
August 22, 1907


Arrest Five Austrians and Confiscate
Lot of Liquors.

Three blind tigers in Cement City were raided by a party of deputy marshals, headed by W. E. Weisflog, yesterday afternoon and five Austrians were taken to the county jail on John Doe warrants. Several kegs and cases of beer and a little whisky were seized. Those arrested gave their names as Stogan Pertrinjac, Samuel Ougreen, Mike Sharp, Rosie Ongrin, Stina Petisena, the last two being women. They will be arraigned in Justice Remley's court this morning. Another Austrian arrested was too ill to be brought to Kansas City.
August 21, 1907

So Reported the Police and a Drug-
gist's Arrest Followed.

On account of the testimony of a cocaine user in police court recently an order was made to see how easily cocaine could be bought from a drug store owned by Bert Streigle, at 125 West Fifth street. A policeman in plain clothes reported that he had bought some of the drug there and the following day in inspctor from the license inspector's office reported taht he, too, had no trouble in getting any quantity of "coke."

Judge Kyle yesterday ordered a warrant for Streigle's arrest and required a cash bond of $500. Streigle has been in police court before on similar charges, at one time receiving a fine of $500.
August 21, 1907




Unfamiliarity With Its Mechanism
May Have Been Responsible for
Accident -- Brother Saw Dead
Body and Asked Who
Was Killed.
Daniel Forest Cobb, Killed in an Elevator Shaft

Falling through the elevator shaft from the fourth floor of the Fidelity Trust building, Daniel Forest Cobb, president of the firm of Dan F. Cobb & Co., was instantly killed at 7:30 o'clock last night. The body was found at the bottom of the shaft in a badly bruised condition by Tom Avery, a janitor in the building, whose inexperience at handling elevators, it is alleged, was indirectly responsible for Mr. Cobb's death.

When announcement of the accident was conveyed to the bereaved family at their home, 3411 Troost avenue, little Cecil Cobb, the 10-year-old daughter, became frantic and rushed to an open window. She exclaimed she no longer cared to live. Opportunely Mr. Cobb's brother was present and restrained the girl from harming herself.

Mr. Cobb's offices were on the fourth floor of the Fidelity Trust building. He was one of the most extensive dealers in Northwest Texas lands in the country. Last night he was waiting in his office for a party of tourists he was to take to Texas today. The elevators had stopped running and the only employe remaining in the building was Tom Avery, a janitor. According to Avery, Mr. Cobb requested him to operate the elevator, as the regular operators had gone home and he was expecting some friends there soon from out of town.


Avery, who was the only witness, made the following statement to the coroner:

"Mr. Cobb rang the bell several times and finally I took the elevator up to the fourth floor, where his offices were. He said to me, 'Tom, you must be asleep! Why didn't you come up sooner.' "

I told him I was not an elevator man; that they had all gone home and that I was not supposed to operate the cars. He then said he was expecting some friends there and that he wanted me to get them to his office.

"Then I went back down to the first floor to my work. Shortly he began ringing the bell again, and I went up to the fourth floor. Not thoroughly understanding how to run an elevator I did not stop the car just at the landing, but went on up about four feet. When I came down the bottom of the car caught one of Mr. Cobb's feet, crushing it to the floor.

"He cried with pain and throwing up the reverse lever I quickly shot the car upward again, thinking it would release his foot. That was the last I saw of poor Mr. Cobb. He had fallen into the shaft and dropped to the bottom."

Avery is an elderly man, and his frame shook with grief while he related the sad details.

"God help me," he cried. "Mr. Cobb was such a good man and so kind to me. What can I do, what can I do. I thought I was trying to help him, but see what I have done."

The grief stricken janitor was led away by Henry C. Brent, vice-president of the Fidelity Trust Company, who was one of the first persons to reach the body after it had reached the bottom of the shaft. Mr. Brent spoke high words of Avery's services, telling Coroner Thompson that he had been a trusty employe of the company for many years.


Walking cheerfully into the lobby of the building shortly after the coroner had arrived, enroute to Mr. Cobb's office, were Luther Cobb, a brother, who has offices in the Ridge building, and Jay M. Jackson, president of the Jackson Land Company, in the Gibralter building, a former business associate and close friend of the deceased. When they saw the dead body of a man lying on a stretcher near the elevator entrance Luther Cobb asked a newspaper reporter standing nearby the cause of the excitement and whose body was lying on the stretcher.

Not knowing that the man was a brother he told that Daniel F. Cobb, a real estate man with offices upstairs, had fallen through the elevator shaft and been killed.

The brother became colorless, gasped for breath, rushed to the remains and, throwing aside the covering, looked into the face of the dead man. He gave a shriek and fell into the arms of Mr. Jackson and nearly collapsed. Quickly recovering himself, the brother's first words were in the interest of the surviving members of the family.

"His poor wife and children; they will never be able to stand this awful blow. But I must tell them; no one else can do it but me."


Mr. Jackson's horse and buggy were outside the building and taking it the brother and Mr. Jackson drove quickly to the home of the bereaved family. They were met at the door by Mrs. Cobb and the three daughters, Cecil, 10, Doris, 8, and Louis, 6 years old, respectively. The news of the death of the husband and father was broken by Mr. Cobb. The wife and mother was stricken dumb for a moment and the eyes of the little children opened wide with a mixture of horror and unbelief.

"Yes, he was killed a few minutes ago," replied her uncle. Then he told them the details of the tragedy.

Mrs. Cobb became hysterical, the two smaller children seemed to fail to grasp the true meaning of the word death, but with a heart-rending cry of intense anguish Cecil darted up the stairway crying that she would also kill herself so she "could be in Heaven with her father." Luther Cobb reached the child just as she was about to plunge through the open window.


S. P. Cobb, a brother of the dead man, is a guest at the Midland hotel. With a party of friends he spent the evening at a theater and did not hear of the accident until he went to the desk for his room key. Several times the hotel clerk had sent a bellboy about the hotel calling for Mr. Cobb to answer urgent calls by telephone, but he could not be located.

It was nearly midnight when Mr. Cobb entered the hotel and went to the desk for his key. A yellow slip of paper bearing a telephone number was handed out with the key.

"Who could be calling for me at this time of night?" mused Mr. Cobb as he studied the slip.

"It's your brother's house," volunteered the clerk. "I fear they have some bad news there for you."

Mechanically the man took down the receiver. The telephone girls, the cashier, clerks and bellboys grouped about the desk watching, but none dared break the news to him.

The telephone girl gave Mr. Cobb immediate connection with his number and in an instant his face clouded then turned crimson.

"Which one?" he asked. Someone at the other end of the wire were telling him of his brother's death. There were two brothers at home and in good health when Mr. Cobb had departed for the theater.

Hanging up the receiver, Mr. Cobb beckoned to a friend and the two hastened to a carriage. He had received the message and was going to his brother's family.


Daniel Forest Cobb was born 43 years ago in Owen county, Ky. After reaching manhood he went East and engaged in the brokerage business in New York and Philadelphia. Later he was sent to Topeka, where he held the position of state manager for the Equitable Life Assurance society. Six years ago he came to Kansas City and opened offices in the Fidelity Trust building. He dealed exclusively in Northwest Texas lands and was said to be one of the largest individual operators in the West. According to Jay M. Jackson, Mr. Cobb carried fully $50,000 in insurance, $2,500 of which was accident.

Mr. Cobb is survived by a father, who lives in Owen county, Ky., the widow, formerly Miss Ada Thompson of St. Louis; the three daughters, and two brothers, S. P. Cobb, of Wellington, Kas., and Luther Cobb, of Kansas City.

No funeral arrangements have been made at this time.
August 21, 1907



Well Dressed, Demure Young Woman
Who Spoke Glibly of $400,000
to Spend Creates Sensation
Among Kansas City,
Kas., Offices.

A nurse girl for the two small children of D. B. Munger, Thirty-sixth and Harrison streets, of the wholesale dry goods firm, Burnham, Hanna and Munger, receiving as compense $5 a week yesterday created a furore among a half dozen prominent real estate firms of Kansas City, Kas. They thought she was a pampered child of luxury with money galore. She said she was Miss Rose Insley and alleged she was an agent for a bevy of fashionable girls forming a bachelors club, in Kansas City, Mo., seeking a favorable spot on the Kansas side on which to build a club house of great pretentions. She told the real estate merchants she was backed by four hundred thousand dollars.

When the young woman, who is of preposessing mien, entered Abstractor Thomson's office she wanted to know if there was anybody who held and was liable to sell at a good price as much as ninety acres of farm land. She was Miss Rose Insley, lived at Thirty-suixth street and Harrison avenue. She said she was just conversant with the country lying just north of Kansas City, Kas., where she insisted the land must be found. She was representing several aristocratic young women of Kansas City, Mo., and Leavenworth, she declared, and had plenty of money backing her deals.


"How much?" Abstracter Thomson asked.

"About four hundred thousand dollars," answered Miss Insley, and looked the abstractor straight in the eye.

"That's a great deal of money, isn't it?"

"Quite a few dollars, come to sum the all up," Miss Insley replied demurely, looking down. "But you see, papa is rich, and so are the papas of the other girls in this deal. There are Miss Jones, whose papa is the senior partner of the Jones Dry Goods Company; Miss Armour; Miss Munger, who lives with me out on Harrison; Miss Keith, and oh, lots of others.

"Let me explain why we want so much ground. We have automobiles, we can't have just the time we would like to have just pent up in our homes. A long time ago we organized a bachelor girls' club composed of the most exclusive of the exclusive. A week ago we got together and decided to build a club house and build it way out in the country somewhere. We decided on Kansas City, Kas., as a feasible location.

"The next thing was to get our fathers interested, but the old dears fell into line right off without much argument. It was such a simple plan.


"We girls were to pick the grounds," went on Miss Insley, "and draw the plans, as near as we could, to what we wanted, and our papas were to pay all the bills. We were to have a club house of twenty-five rooms, a lake, a drive, tennis grounds, golf links and a big garage and stables. We thought that ninety acres would nicely cover it all."

When the young woman got this far in her description Abstractor Thomson became almost as enthusiastic as herself and offered to help her find the desired location.

Miss Insley expressed herself as very grateful for his kindness and, in return, offered to put the matter entirely in Abstractor Thomson's hands. Then she wrote her telephone number on the back of an envelope and went out.

Mis Insley went next to the real estate firm of Sheaf & Neudeck, at Sixth street and State avenue. There she repeated her plans to Irwin Neudeck, who also became interested in the project and offered to help her find the location but insisted Miss Isley give him the exclusive agency in the deal. This she promptly promised to do.

Miss Insley visited several other large real estate concerns in the city interesting all of them in her story and giving each a private "tip" about her needs and the promise to give the locating act into the hands of no other. It is reported her project has been listed in at least six leading real estate firms in Kansas City, Kas., and that all had scouts out looking for the location of the future bachelor girls' club house yesterday. All were astonished when they heard that the girl was merely a nurse girl in the Munger home at five dollars a week.


"Why, I can hardly believe it," said Irwin Neudeck when told of the identity of the girl last night.

"She was very well dressed and carried herself well like a young woman of considerable breeding and affluence. I was entirely deceived for the time, although after she left I was inclined to doubt her story."

D. B. Munger, in whose employ the girl has been for the past three weeks in the capacity of nurse for his two little children, said last night that Miss Insley had left his employ and that he would be glad to locate her in order to satisfy his wife that her intentions were honest.

"She acted very queerly at times," Mr. Munger said, "and had aroused my wife's suspicions."
August 21, 1907

Enlargement of That Organ Affected
This Woman's Reasoning.

Mrs. Bessie Allen, a negress, 20 years old, became demented yesterday at the Union depot and was removed to the emergency hospital. Her home is in De Kalb, Ill, where her husband, William Allen, is a porter at the Elks' Club house. She arrived here from Chicago Monday night, en route to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, at Osceola, Mo.

Mrs. Allen began acting queerly soon after arrival and frightened other women passengers by hiding beneath the seats in the station. Coming from her hiding place, she purchased a ticket for her destination and then boarded the first train she came to. That happened to be the eastbound Wabash. At Cameron, Mo., she was placed aboard a Kansas City train and returned here. When she arrived here yesterday morning she was taken in charge by the police. The surgeons found her to be suffering from enlargement of the heart. The pulsations of that organ can be plainly seen through her clothing across a room. Mrs. Allen believes that her grandmother is in the next room from where she lays in bed and is constantly announcing, "Bessie's dead; Bessie's dead."
August 20, 1907

She May Try to Interest Her Friends
in Getting a Pardon From Folk.

Aggie Myers is taking the first step toward getting out of the Missouri penitentiary, where she is under life sentence. She has written friends in Kansas City to the effect that the hard work to which she is asigned in the close confinement of the prison are undermining her health. She is employed at one of the big sewing machine factories in the overall factory.

The fact that Folk commuted the sentences of Edgar Bailey, "Lord" Barrington and other murderers, including Aggie Myers and Frank Hottman, probably gives the Myers woman hope of extreme executive clemency from the governor before he goes out of office.
August 20, 1907

Park Board Issues Order to Lay
Gas Mains.

A contract was let yesterday by the park board fro laying gas mains on North Cliff drive, and a resolution adopted asking the city to prepare to take care of the 159 gas lamps that are to be installed on that thoroughfare.

There are stretches of the boulevards that either are unlighted or that are illumined at night by means of obsolete gasoline lamps. The park board is having gas installed. In the interest of economy at the time the park board made the boulevards it did not incur the expense of putting down gas mains. Accordingly laying mains now means the additional expense of repairig the boulevard lawns and crossings.
August 20, 1907

Girl Who Escaped From Detention
Home Again in Custody.

Acting on a "tip" that Florence Walker, one of the three girls who made a sensational escape from the deteintion home last December, could be found at Carnival park, Edgar Warden, acting chief probationary officer, effected her capture early yesterday morning amid a dramatic scene and returned her to the home. She will be taken to the Girls' Training School in Chillicothe, probably today, to where she was sentenced to four years' confinement just previous to her escape.

The belief that the Walker girl and her companions were aided in their escape by persons outside the institution who feared for their own safety from the law and was the impelling motive for the daring act lent color to the affiar, which at the time created a small sensation.

Accompanied by the brother of the Walker gir's companion Warden went to Carnival park. After several hours' search she and the other girl were found in the company of two young men. Warden placed both girls under arrest, but says he had some difficulty in obtaining their conssent to return to issouri. Upon threat of turning them over to the Kansas authorities they were persuaded, it is said, to return to the detention home. The companion of the Walker girl was tried in juvenile court yesterday morning and paroled in the custody of her mother.
August 20, 1907

Suit in Ejectment Brought Against
the Scientist.

A. Kiss, of 218 Clinton place, after two sessions in police court with Dr. Otto Bohl, who had a laboratory in the Kiss' chicken house, brought suit yesterday afternoon in the circut court to enjoin the specialist from occupying the chicken house or the adjouining property. Judge T. J. Seehorn issued a temporary order, returnable Saturday.

Mr. Kiss, after reciting that the initial A. before his name stand for Andor, proceeds to state in his petition that on March 10 last Dr. Bohl applied to him for permission to occupy his chicken house, with the understanding that Bohl was to care for his lawn and flower beds for the rent. Kiss says he refused the permission, but the doctor moved in anyhow, much to the discomfort of his chickens.

Dr. Bohl has been "at home" there since, Kiss says. What Kiss objects to especially is that Dr. Bohl builds confines in the yard and asserts he cooks weeds, toads, turtles, snakes and sundry other kinds of beast and vetgetation in open kettles.


August 19, 1907


Fountain Given to Kansas City by
National Humane Alliance, of
New York, Begins Career
of Mercy Under Fa-
vorable Auspices.

During the dedication of the $1,500 granite horse and dog fountain at Fourth and Broadway yesterday afternoon, thirteen teams, nine horses in single harness and three dogs stopped, dipped their faces in the flowing water and drank deep. Frank Faxon, one of the speakers, kindly said:

"I am sorry there are no more horses and dogs present. I would like to ask them all to step up and have a drink with us."

Mr. Faxon was more generous than he thought, as he learned at the close of the exercises, when he and the other speakers and the audience rushed over to the fountain to get a drink. There are no cups on the fountain. It is strictly a place for birds, and four-footed beasts. President E. R. Weeks, of the Kansas City Humane Society, who wore a Panama hat, essayed to drink out of the rim of his headgear, mountain brook fashion, but most of the water ran down his shirt front. Mr. Faxon, Police Commissioner Elliot H. Jones, Mrs. L. O. Middleton and others looked on and declined to try to use the hat which Mr. Weeks proffered them.

The humans held a meeting around the fountain and argued the question of having cups chained there, but decided adversely.

"During a busy and hot work day," John Simmons, secretary of the Teamsters' union, said, "the teams line up from all directions awaiting their turns at the fountain. There is no chance for a man to get a drink. Besides, if there were cups, children who tried to drink might be trampled by the horses which rush to the fountain."

Nearly every department of city life was represented in the dedication exercises. E. R. Weeks was chariman, Hale H. Cook appeared for the school children, Mrs. L. O. Middleton for the T. T. U. F. M. Furgason carried a Judge Jules E. Guinotte proxy, George Hoffman spoke for the city hall, Father Dalton for the church people, Harry Walmsley apeared for the birds and Frank Faxon for "Old Dobbin."

No one had a word to say in condemnation of any bird or beast. The speakers tried to outdo each other in praise. Mr. Faxon said that a horse "was always faithful and kind," and Mr. Walmsley declared that the birds are symbols of the heavenly life." But Mr. Furgason, reading Judge Guinotte's speech, went then all one better when he quoted George Elliot as saying: "The more I associate with men, the more I like dogs."

In calling attention to the fact that the fountain dedicated yesterday was the first permanent one in the city, Mrs. Middleton recited the history of attempts made by various charities in past years to erect public drinking fountains. The most successful of these schemes was the setting in place of twelve ice water casks on downtown corners by the W. C. T. U. many years ago.

The beautiful piece of granite dedicated yesterday afternoon, which Thomas Wight, secretary of the Kansas City art commission, described as "a permanent bit of art and a forerunner of a new era in municipal life," was presented by the National Humane Alliance of New York. The purchase price came from a fund bequeathed by the late Herman Lee Ensign of New York, whose name is on a bronze plate on one side of the fountain. The Kansas City Humane Society and the city council were among those most instrumental in securing the gift for this city. The society hopes that other fountains may be erected on busy corners through gifts by local philanthropists.