For Years Was Superintendent of In-
dependence Public Schools.
Professor A. Carroll, for seven years superintendent of the city schools of Independence and an educational leader of Western Missouri, died at his home in Vaile place, Independence, at 9:30 last night. Professor Carroll retired from active work fifteen years ago on account of poor health and has been an invalid ever since. He had been ill with stomach trouble for the past two weeks. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Mary T. Carroll, two sons in Independence, Charles A. and Carey M., and two sons in Butte City, Mont., William E. and Frank M. Carroll.
Seventy-five years ago February 14 last, Professor Carroll was born in Grandville, O. He graduated from Washburn Reserve university, now Adelbert university, near Cleveland, and from McCormick university at Chicago. In 1859 he opened an academy at Charleston, Ill., and in 1867 came to Independence, where he was appointed superintendent of the city schools. This position he held until 1874, when he went to Olathe, Kas., in the sme capacity. He returned to Independence two years later as president of the Presbyterian Ladies' college, which place he held until 1884. In that year he became superintendent of the city schools in Hays City, Kas. In 1892 he returned to Independence because of poor health and remained there until his death.
Professor Carroll was one of the pioneers of education in this section of the country. While he served as superintendent of the Independence schools, he assisted in the organization of the city schools in Kansas City.