Book Agent Ate One, Taking It
for a Mushroom.
W. S. Bundy is a book agent. He is 37 years old and lives at Lister and Linwood avenues. He has a "neat little patch of ground," to use his own words. Bundy stepped into his back yard and saw what looked like a patch of "pretty, round, fresh mushrooms."
"I believe they are toadstools," said his wife.
"Well, I'll just taste one," said Bundy. "If they are toadstools I'll find it out. If they are not, you can cook them for supper."
Thereupon Bundy made his word good by "tasting" one. That was 9 a. m. The pursuit of his business found him on the third floor of the R. A. Long building about noon. Not until then did Bundy realize that he had eaten a toadstool. He was so completely prostrated that the ambulance from the emergency hospital called and took him away. When he reached the hospital he was unconscious. Dr. Paul Lux worked with him all afternoon. At 5 o'clock he was considered out of danger.
"Telephone my wife not to cook those toadstools," were his first words.