And Then His 2-Year-Old Son Began
to Wail Aloud.
Mike Ross, a fireman living at 1519 Franklin street, was before the juvenile court yesterday because he had failed to pay $2 a week for the care of his 2-year-old son, Jim, who has been living with Mrs. Marie Strauss, 1311 Crystal avenue, since Ross' wife left him.
"I want to take the boy and I'll give him a good home," Mike said. "I don't pay the woman the money because she won't let me see the boy."
"Mike was drinking and I was afraid," Mrs. Straus explained.
"The law says," Judge Porterfield broke in, "the law says, Mike, that you must support your child even if you never see him. We can put you in jail if you don't care for him.
"And you, Mrs. Straus, must let Mike see his child whenever he wants to."
"All I want is justice; I love the boy," Mike said and he began to cry. Little Jim, seeing his father in tears, climbed on his lap and wailed aloud. Mike and Mrs. Straus went away together, Mike carrying the child.