September 29, 1907

Masked Robber Terrifies Occupants
and Gets $125 From Cash Register.

R. E. Slaughter, a clerk, and Miss Will Mowrey, cashier in the E. H. Dudley drug store, 5200 St. John avenue, were "held up" at the point of a revolver by a masked man last night at 10 o'clock and $125 was taken from the cash register. The robber escaped.

The man was driving a sorrel horse hitched to a buggy. He tied the horse in front of the drug store. He was wearing a white mask when he drove up. When he entered the store the clerk and the cashier were alone. He pointed the revolver at Slaughter and said:

"I want the money in the cash register and quick." He went behind the showcase and to the register, which he opened, while he kept Slaughter "covered" with the revolver. There was just $125 there. He took all of it. Then he backed out of the store pointing the revolver at Slaughter as he retreated. While he was untying the horse, Slaughter secured a revolver and stepped out onto the street, aimed at the robber and snapped the weapon several times. The cartridges failed to explode. The robber rode away unmolested. The police were notified immediately.