THE WATCHES LOOKED GOOD. But a Bill of Sale Showed They Cost

September 6, 1907

But a Bill of Sale Showed They Cost
$1.65 Each.

Sol Roeber, a young man about 18 years of age, who says he just reached Kansas City from Chicago yesterday, was arrested by a North end policeman at Third and Main streets last evening because he had too much jewelry about his person. He was showing a number of fine gold watches, in green plush cases, to bystanders when taken into custody upon suspicion.

When the man was searched at police headquarters eight watches were found in his pockets. In appearance the watches were the kind used by railroad men, which retail at from $50 to $100 each. A further search revealed a bill of sale for the timepieces.

The bill was from a Philadelphia concern and showed that Roeber had paid $1.65 for each of the watches. Upon his assertion that he had just arrived in town and had not yet offered any of the watches for sale he was released. He promised to take out a peddler's license this morning.