Police Board Will Decide Today as to
Winter Uniforms.
Winter uniforms for the traffic squad will be decided upon at today's meeting of the board of police commissioners. The board long ago decided to adopt the uniforms prescribed for the traffic squad of New York city, and yesterday samples of the caps and leggings were received by Orderly Sergeant Morrison. The cap, of blue cloth with thin braids of cavalry yellow, is fitted for attaching a short cape, which, when worn during the falling weather, is fastened to the cap and hangs to shed rain or snow over the collar of the top coat.
To protect the men while handling traffic of the driveways, high leggings will be provided. The glove to be admitted is the new style cavalry buckskin, which is without the gauntlet. The soldiers found that the main thing a gauntlet did was to accumulate snow.
Commissioner Gallagher has ordered a report made upon the hours of traffic in the downtown district. The traffic squad is now on post until 4:15.
"We want to shorten the hours for these men, whose work is tiresome and unremitting," said the commissioner yesterday. "It was hard during the summer, and it is going to be harder than ever during the winter. The men want an eight-hour shift. I do not think we can manage that, but a schedule is now being drawn up that may show us how three more men could let us make a nine-hour shift of crossing duty."