CLAIMS SHE WAS ABUSED. ~ Emma Spencer Says Relatives Want to Get Her Property.

October 4, 1907

Emma Spencer Says Relatives Want
to Get Her Property.

On a cot in one of the wards of the general hospital is a pretty young woman with large blue eyes, and a great mass of wavy, yellow hair. She is Miss Emma Spencer, 20 years old. Her condition is critical. The story she tells of why she is now in the hospital will be investigated by the Humane Society today.

Miss Spencer claims that her father, who is dead, left $30,000 worth of property to her. Her mother has remarried. The mother, Mrs. Rebekah Jennings, who lives at 1612 Norton avenue, says that her daughter is willful and incorrigible. When Miss Spencer was 14 years old, her mother caused her to be placed in the girls' reformatory at Chillicothe, Mo. The young woman claims that her mother did this to get rid of her, because her presence was inconvenient.

From the reformatory, when the girl was about to attain her majority, she was transferred to the state insane asylum at St. Joseph. She was released from there last June. Dr. F. J. Hatch, 1502 Troost avenue, who performed an operation on Miss Spencer Monday night, said last night that she is not of sound mind. She talked rationally last night.

A few weeks ago Miss Spencer filed suit against her mother to obtain possession of property which she claimed her mother had secured through undue influence.