Is Told It must Wait Unitl Question
of Government by Commission
Is Settled -- Mayor Is
Greater Kansas City, Kas., Skidoo!
The council of Kansas City, Kas., at a meeting held last night, defeated the annexation of Argentine by a vote of six to four, Alderman Schnaible and Clark being absent. Both of the missing councilmen, according to the statement made by Mayor C. W. Green of Argentine, signed an agreement to vote for annexation less than a week ago. Councilman West, before the meeting was called to order, telephoned Alderman Schnaible, who stated, so his colleague said, that his business at his store prevented him from attending the meeting. Alderman Morrow of the Third ward stated that his fellow alderman, Clark, instructed him to tell the mayor and council that he could not attend the meeting, but to register his vote against annexation. He gave as his reasons, voiced by Alderman Morrow, that he had discovered that the majority of his constituency were opposed to annexing the smaller city.
"I move you, Mr. Mayor, that the matter of annexation be postponed until the adoption of government by commission," said Alderman Sullivan.
"That's an indefinite proposition," replied Alderman West.
"I insist that the ordinance providing for annexation be read by section and placed on its final passage."
The ordinance was read, and when it came to a vote all eight of the Argentine councilmen voted for its passage. The vote of the Kansas City, Kas., council stood:
For annexation -- West, Renz, O'Connell, Powell, Lyons and Sullivan.
Against -- Burnett, Laughlin, Morrow and Patton.
Mayor Cornell arose and announced that the passage of the ordinance was defeated inasmuch as it required a two-thirds majority of the Kansas City, Kas., council to pass it.
Mayor Green of Argentine occupied a seat next to Mayor Cornell. The two mayors turned in their chairs, looked each other in the eye, and then shook hands. Mayor Cornell then stood erect and said: "Don't go away mad, gentlemen. The Mercantile Club is now holding a meeting just a block from us and is talking over the matter of government by commission, and I have been requested to extend an invitation to you all to attend this meeting."
The Argentine delegation left the city hall, but instead of visiting the Mercantile Club meeting boarded cars for Argentine, stating that it was "23" as far as it was concerned on the annexation proposition.
Mayor Green stated that he has an agreement signed by Alderman Clark, Schnaible, West, Renz, O'Connell, Powell, Lyons and Sullivan that they would vote for annexation, but could not explain the absence of Clark and Schnaible at last night's meeting. He says he, as mayor of Argentine, is through will all future negotiations for annexation.