Declares Kansas City Will Be Closed
Tight as a Drum.
Because the board of police commissioners has so far failed to order the theaters, grocery and cigar stores and other places of business in Kansas City closed on Sunday, Judge William H. Wallace, of the criminal court, is not going to give up the fight. He said yesterday:
"The theaters will be closed Sunday. It is the law and it must be enforced and obeyed. If the police board does not care to make the order, and if the police do not care to enforce the law, I shall order the county marshal and his deputies to see that the law is enforced."
County Marshal Al Heslip said that he would serve any warrant which was sent to him from the county prosecutor's office. He wasn't quite able, however, to figure out where he would put his prisoners if he should be asked to arrest everybody connected with all of the theaters in Kansas City next Sunday. He suggested the possibility of locating the chorus girls out in Shelley park.
County Prosecutor I. B. Kimbrell said that he would prosecute any offenders against any law, in cases where there was evidence. He did not seem inclined to talk about the theater question.