Neighbor Against Whom a Doctor
Complained Discharged in Court.
"It was 10 o'clock Sunday morning. I was in my study. Across the street I saw this man on his porch. He was talking in a loud tone and gesticulating. I saw him point over my way and think he swore. I think he was alluding to me and it looked like he was calling me all the names he could think of. I am sure he said, 'I'll fix that horse doctor over there!' "
This was the testimony of Dr. J. A. Lowell, 2122 Mercier street, in police court yesterday against Abraham Ashbaugh of 2123 Mercier street.
"I was on my porch, as he says," testified Ashbaugh, "but I was not talking about my neighbor."
"He seems to think that you were," said the court. "Discharged. Don't get out on your porch and make any more gestures."