REPUBLICAN LEAGUE QUITS. ~ Negro Organization, After a Stormy Session, Is Disabled.

October 3, 1907

Negro Organization, After a Stormy
Session, Is Disabled.

The Negro-Republican League of Missouri went "bust" last night, so far as the Kansas City chapter is concerned. It assembled at Allen's chapel on Woodland avenue in response to a call from the president, W. C. Hueston, and the secretary, J. Silas Harris, to organize for the next political campaign and to see what could be done in the way of securing negro representatives from Missouri at the next national Republican convention. About twenty-five influential negro politicians and business men were present.

As soon as the meeting was called to order hostilities began. Many speakers refused upon the floor to admit they were in sympathy with the league, two or three denying they were met as members of that organization at all. When Chairman Heuston refused to entertain a motion to dissolve the league meeting into a general mass meeting a motion to adjourn was made and passed. A mass meeting was then declared on the boards instead of the league meeting assembly. Lewis Woods was elected chairman to succeed Heuston, who with forceful words declared Woods a political renegade and left the hall.

A committee of seven was appointed to draft plans for a general organization to succeed the league. This committee, headed by J. Silas Harris, was instructed to formulate articles of agreement for a new association and outline a plan of campaign to secure the coveted representation in the "big four," or delegates from the state to the national convention.

A number of those who were present last night were armed with resolutions indorsing different party favorites for offices at the next election. These were headed off by the disruption of the league.