Chief Ahern Orders Patrolmen to
Take Names of Violators.
Chief of Police Ahern was yesterday ordered by the police board to at once prepare a statement showing the name and location of every saloon in the city where the blinds are not drawn while the lid is on. Patrolmen, Chief Ahern said, will get this data tomorrow. Included in the instructions to the chief were orders to have all blinds drawn so any passerby may see the entire bar and other fixtures of any saloon.
The hours specified by the board are from midnight Saturday night to midnight Sunday night, and from 1 o'clock until 5 o'clock every morning. This order has been made by the police before, but complaints have been received by the commissioners that the order was not respected by some saloonists. Chief Ahern is now given authority by the board to forcibly discipline these places. The order was suggested by Mayor Beardsley.