SOLD BEER TO CHILDREN. ~ Licenses of Two Italian Saloonkeepers are Revoked.

October 17, 1907

Licenses of Two Italian Saloonkeep-
ers are Revoked.

The police board yesterday revoked the saloon licenses of John Rebasto, 1822 Pacific street, and George Priesto, Missouri avenue and Gillis street. Representives of the Humane Society tated that they investigatied the report fo the board of education that a family was being neglected in the vicinity of these saloons, and found that the children in question were habitually buying "can" beer at the two saloons.

A half dozen children, ranging in ages from 10 to 13 years, testified to buying the beer and each saloonist admitted the same, but protested that the statutes give the right to sell to a minor when the beer is ordered by a parent, guradian or master. The old statute did give a saloonkeeper this right, but the privelege was revoked two years ago. Pleading ignorance of the new statute, the two saloonkeepers will file a motion asking the board to reconsider the case.