Mystery in Spaniard's Case Cleared.
Goes to Daughter's Home.
Emanual Hill, the Spaniard who was identified at the general hospital Friday night by a negro woman as being her father, was taken to the home of Claude Lane, the husband of the woman, at 1807 Howard avenue, yesterday afternoon. Hill did not want to go, but as the negro had sufficient proof that he was in reality her father, the hospital authorities told her t hat she might take him home if she desired. After considerable urging he finally consented to leave.
It is now known that Hill received the fracture of the skull, with which he is afflicted, while attempting to get off a Jackson avenue car at Nineteenth street and Flora avenue on December 5. He had come to Kansas City to visit his daughter, who had lived in Flora avenue near Twenty-first street. He did not know that she had moved to the house in Howard avenue.