POLICY FINES ARE $100 EACH. ~ Only Two of the Defendants Appeared in Court.

December 21, 1907

Only Two of the Defendants Appeared
in Court.

After continuing their cases for one week to see why they could not be tried in the state court, Judge Kyle yesterday tried the four men found with a policy wheel and other gambling paraphernalia in the room of the former Police Judge T. B. McAuley, at 903 Broadway, about noon on December 12.

Only two of the defendants, Charles Morton and John Bell, appeared in court. J. R. Heath, attorney for the policy men, entered appearance for John Findlay, son of Edward Findlay, formerly known as the "policy king," who, when arrested, gave the name of "Bill Wilson," and Randall Daniels, an aged expressman.

The four men were fined $100 each. Their cases were all appealed to the criminal court. Edward Findlay was a spectator at the trial, but had nothing to say. None of the defendants was put on the stand.