Blanche Brewer Takes Up Fortune
Telling and Is Arrested.
Blanche Brewer, 22 years of age, who was arrested on the complaint of a Miss Piper, who lives at 432 North Montgall avenue, yesterday morning, told a pitiful tale of poverty and desolation to the police officers at police headquarters.
Blanche had been going about from house to house trying to make a living for herself and her invalid sister by telling fortunes. The two young girls are orphans and have no relatives who can be found. They came here from Topeka, Kas., about two weeks ago and neither of them has been able to obtain employment. They had no money and no way of making a livelihood.
Becoming desperate, Blanche, the younger of the two girls, hit upon the scheme of fortune telling, though she really knew nothing whatever about the tricks of that trade. She succeeded in bring an average of 50 cents a day home of the sustenance of her sister and herself.
Three days ago, she told Miss Piper's fortune and took as a pledge for payment a shirtwaist suit. Miss Piper says that the garments were loaned to the girl for two days in payment for the seance. Accordingly she telephoned to the police and told them that the girl, Blanche, had stolen the articles. Upon investigation the suit was found in the girls' room at 416 West Thirteenth street. Blanche was arrested and taken to the matron's room, where her sister called last night and substantiated her story.
The police will probably turn the matter over to the Humane Society.