Riot Call Follows Wedding at the
Progressive Club.
When Mrs. Lena Gladstone and Julius Varshavsky set last night as the date for their marriage, they thought that none of their friends knew anything about it. But somewhere and somehow the secret had leaked out and friends of both people were waiting for the time to come so that they might have a charivari party and, perchance, some refreshments. Mrs. Gladstone lived at 221 East Nineteenth street and most of the party of rice throwers thought that the wedding would surely take place at the home of the bride. Consequently at 7 o'clock last night Nineteenth street was crowded with more than 500 noise-making individuals. The cars on Nineteenth street were lined up for more than a block away because the mob in front of the McClure flats refused to get out of the streets.
The car crews sent in a riot call to the police in order that the crowd might be dispersed.
After the cars had passed the mob began to surge back into the street and to show signs of violence. They insisted that they get a treat of some sort. Charles Gidinsky, a druggist at Nineteenth street and Grand avenue, scattered twenty pounds of candy in their midst.
Meanwhile 150 friends of the couple had found out that the wedding was taking place in the Young Men's Progressive Club rooms at Seventeenth and Locust streets, and rushed to that building. The groom walked out upon the porch to make a speech. He was greeted by a storm of rice and old shoes and his voice was drowned by the noise of horns. He hastily ran back indoors and telephoned the police. This time the police were in earnest and soon broke up the charivary party.