Children of Edward Wanger May
Become Court Wards.
The juvenile court will undoubtedly not be held behind closed doors or with a curtain drawn for a few minutes next Monday morning, nor will Judge McCune care to have any offenders appear before him holding barrels around them, but unless something can be done officers will be baffled to know how they will bring the family of Edward Wanger, three miles east of Swope Park, into court to be tried.
Probation Officer A. Cole went to that home yesterday on complaint of neighbors and found the family in most destitute circumstances. There are four children and a mother, who, it is alleged, the father refuses to support. Officer Cole stated yesterday that the entire family was without clothing, food, or fuel. The children were hovered around the mother and did not posses clothing enough to cover themselves, while the mother was in little better circumstances. They live in a two-room hut and have a few dogs. The father is said to have an aversion to work and the family might have starved but for the investigation, made by Officer Cole yesterday.
"But I am worrying about what these children will wear when they come into court," said Officer Cole. "They have no clothing, and I have ordered the family to appear for trial next Monday. The father is charged with neglecting his children.