PROTEST AGAINST SPEEDWAY. ~ South Side Citizens Meet and Draw Up Fighting Resolutions.

January 12, 1908

South Side Citizens Meet and Draw
Up Fighting Resolutions.

About forty men, residents in the vicinity of Gillham road, met at the Church of United Brethren, Fourtieth and Harrison streets, last night to protest against the action of the park board in ordering an appropriation of part of that boulevard for the proposed speedway. The meeting was called by Benjaman H. Berkshire, 4018 Harrison street, and J. V. Kendall, Twenty-fifth street and Troost avenue.

A motion was made that those present should resort to every effort to prevent what they thought was the ruin of their roadway, and that every man pledge himself to assist in a financial way if it became necessary for them to resort to the courts. When this motion was put, F. J. Chase, 4100 McGee street, who was chairman of the meeting, asked all those who were in favor of it, to stand. Only four remained seated. The motion was announced, carried and those who voted for it put their signatures to the resolution. This resolution was adopted:

Whereas, The Kansas City park board has assumed to set apart a certain
portion of Gillham road for a speedway in defiance of the purposes for which
that roadway was condemned and paid for, and

Whereas, the use of any portion of this parkway for a speedway will be
detrimental to the interests of those whop were assessed for payment of said
parkway, making it dangerous to life and limb and turning that which was
intended for quite enjoyment of the citizens, over to an entirely different
purpose, to the great discomfort of those living in that vicinity, and to the
depreciation of property values,

Therefore be it
Resolved, That we property owners and residents in the district bounded by
Thirty-ninth street on the north, Brush creek on the south, Troost avenue on the
east and Main street on the west, in mass meeting assembled, do respectfully
protest against the appropriation of any portion of Gillham road parkway for
purposes of speedway or for any other use foreign to the purposes for which the
said roadway was condemned, and ask that your board reconsider your recent
action, and withdraw your consent to such use of any portion of said