SAYS HE DID NOT STRIKE HER. ~ Harry Schultz, Sr., Denies the Charge Made by Mrs. Anna Crisp.

January 3, 1908

Harry Schultz, Sr., Denies the Charge
Made by Mrs. Anna Crisp.

Harry Schultz, Sr., of 3424 Holmes street, who was the cause of Mrs. Anna Crisp's arrest by police at the Midland hotel Wednesday night when she was found in the company of his son, Roy Schultz, stated to The Journal yesterday that her claim that he struck her is false. He says he did not strike the woman, and the only reason he made the scene in the hotel was that she had threatened to go to his home, and also to go with the family to a theater, which he would not allow.

Mr. Schultz says the young woman waylaid his son on Tenth street, and that he had previously warned her to leave the boy alone. When the case against Mrs. Crisp was called in police court yesterday she did not appear. Mr. Schultz did not press the charge, and the $10 cash bond, deposited by a Texan, was set aside by Judge Kyle, who said the money would be returned to him.