STILL A SMOKY CITY. ~ Not Gas Enough for Downtown Boilers, but Scarritts Found a Way.

January 12, 1908

Not Gas Enough for Downtown Boil-
ers, but Scarritts Found a Way.

The secret of the smoke consuming device used in the Scarritt building has been discovered. The building does not burn coal or anything else. "We are often asked how we keep our great stack from smoking," said Ed C. Scarritt yesterday. "The fact of the matter is we get our light, heat and elevator power from an outside company. This saves us all sorts of trouble, as well as giving us the advantage of space in the basement that we can turn into money."

The limited supply of natural gas accounts for so many smoky chimneys at present. Next year, according to James B. McGowan, there will be gas enough to keep up the downtown boilers, after which this ought to be a smokeless city.