THEME OF AUTO SHOW PLAN IS SOUTHWEST. ~ Dealers' Committee Decides on Decoration Scheme.

January 9, 1907

Dealers' Committee Decides
on Decoration Scheme.
The real start towards the second annual automobile show in Convention hall, February 3-8, was made yesterday, when a committee representing the Kansas City Automobile Dealers' Association definitely deciding upon the general plan of decorating the hall. Details have not yet been announced, but the general scheme will carry out the idea that Kansas City is the marketplace of the Southwest. The states in this city's trade territory will each have representation in the design.
While last year decorations from one of the Eastern shows were used, the committee was of opinion that this year there should be something distinctive. When Eastern papers sit up and take notice at the statement that there are thirty automobiles in a Kansas town, the committee says, it is time to draw on local territory for the show ideas.
Backed as it is by the association of dealers, who are giving their own time and money towards the promotion of the enterprise, with the sole view of educating the public as to the automobile, there is no doubt that it will have all the features which go to make up a complete exposition of the automobile. To the display the cars must be added the varied line accessories, an industry which is secondary only to the manufacture of the automobile itself.
Novel exhibits are promised, but dealers, careful not to make extravagant claims, are content to wait until they receive definite assurances before telling just what they will be. While some space is still available, especially under the balconies in the arcade, the main floor affords barely enough room for the displays planned there. Much tactful work was necessary to make the allotment of space fit the individual demands.
Preliminaries of the show are in the hands of a committee chosen from the dealers' association, whose members act in an advisory capacity to D. M. Bone, who has been chosen manager of the show.