He Pushed a Coffined Corpse From a
Truck at the Depot.
Benjamin Johnson, alias Jenkins, hails from Hot Springs, Ark., where he freely asserts he has the reputation of being a "bad man." It is charged that he made himself obnoxious to the Union station porters yesterday by depositing his grips and himself in the way of the baggage and express trucks and refusing to move when requested. The climax came when a truck on which was a corpse in course of transportation bumped into one of Johnson's grips. This so incensed him that he pushed the box off the truck, bottom side up on the floor.
Johnson was then promptly arrested by Detectives Hyde and Bradley and hustled over to Number 2 police station, where he was booked on a charge of disturbing the peace.
Bystanders who saw his act were so angered by it that had he not at once been taken out of the way it is probably he would have been attacked by the crowd and roughly dealt with.