BOYS NEED NEW RECORDS. ~ Their Hotel Graphophone Stock Is About Worn Out.

February 10, 1908

Their Hotel Graphophone Stock Is
About Worn Out.

During January the Boys' hotel came within $35 of paying its expenses. The receipts from the juvenile boarders were $143.11 and the expenses $179.oo. All but four of the beds and places at the table were filled during the month. The hotel was started by officers of the children's court with the idea that it should be self-supporting. When it is filled it will be.

The boys here now are very happy but for one trouble. The graphophone around which and its four tunes they gather to pass the evenings, is developing cracked tones and it is no longer possible to tell whether it sings in basso or tenor.

"It is well along in years for a graphophone," remarks Dr. E. L. Mathias, the patron saint of the hotel, "and perhaps it is changing its voice."