February 8, 1908


Tearful Ending of a Hasty Mar-
riage, and She Goes Back
to Parents.

As a preliminary to heart mending week, scheduled to begin in the circuit court Monday, ten divorces were granted by two judges yesterday and one suit was dismissed. Nine of the decrees were granted by default. Three new suits were filed. One recently divorced couple secured a license to remarry.

The contested case, that of Arthur G. Frogue against Mayme D. Frogue, was concluded by Judge John G. Park remarking to the plaintiff husband:

"You are like a good many other men I have heard of. You married a woman too good for you, and haven't enough sense to appreciate her."

Frogue, who is a chauffeur, heard but a portion of the court's remark, and called out angrily to hear it again. Judge Park accommodated him by repeating the same words in a very loud voice. When Frogue jumped from his chair and started to reply, his attorney made him sit down and be silent.

Frogue wanted a divorce on the ground that his wife had packed up and left him, after selling the kitchen stove and the china cabinet for money enough to pay her fare to her parents' home in Odessa, Mo. He proved this all right, but the wife had six witnesses who told how unhappy Frogue had made her before she left. Her best witness was Mrs. Sarah Starr, an aged, deaf and feeble woman in a black bonnet, with whom the Frogues lived at Eighteenth street and Tracy avenue, shortly after their marriage.

Thomas G. Foster of Odessa, Mrs. Frogue's father, wept copiously while on the stand telling about his daughter's troubles.

"I never saw Frogue before the wedding," Foster said. "My Mayme met him in Kansas City and the first time I knew of the marriage was when she told me of it by telephone. I hastened to the couple and Frogue promised me he would be kind to my girl. He said he was making plenty of money and could and would care for her.

"After Mayme came home and her baby was born I never saw the husband and heard from him but once. I am willing to care for the child in the future, as I have done in the past."

"Have you any income to afford it?" asked the court.

"I guess so. I've got more now than I ever had before in my life and I've raised eight children. They all are good children, too."

Foster is a retired farmer. His wife, Mrs. Frogue's mother, was present, but did not testify. The Frogues were divorced and the wife's parents secured possession of the child.

The case dismissed was that of Frank E. Howe against Mabel Gale Howe. The husband charged the wife with throwing a hot potato and hitting him in the eye, and with other acts showing temper. The case was dismissed at his request.