Kansas City Men Who Attended Har-
vard Know Nothing of Prowess.
If President Roosevelt was champion lightweight boxer when at Harvard, there are no Harvard men in Kansas City who knew about it at the time. Hugh Ward, Dr. J. W. Perkins, Joseph Meinrath and six other men live here who were at Harvard with the president. None of those who could be located yesterday ever heard of him being a prize boxer. L. A. Laughlin missed the president at Harvard, but was with him at Columbia Law school. He never heard about the president beign handy with his fists.
"I think there has been some nature of faking," said a Harvard man yesterday. "If the president really wrote that biography of himself, as the Journal of Saturday says he did, then I will have to admit that I have forgotten some things I learned while studying at Harvard. I was something of an athelet myself. I do not believe I missed a single fight while there. I never saw Roosevelt strip but twice, and once was when a man named Hanks put him out. I am willing to bet right now he never was anywhere near a lightweight champion fighter."