More Skilled Workmen
are Needed in Kansas City.
More than 300 merchants and manufacturers of Kansas City attended the meeting of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Association in their club rooms at 1114 Grand avenue last night. The principle purpose of the meeting was to encourage merchants and manuracturers in the scheme to advertise Kansas City as a manufacturing and business center and everyone was very enthusiastic over the progress of the association and its plan for the future.
The principle address of the meeting was given by J. Logan Jones on the "Industrial School."
He said in part:
"You cannot import skilled labor for the factories of Kansas City and have success. We must take the raw material that is in the city now, boys and girls who have no trades, and make skilled workmen and work women out of them. Every city should have an industrial school and the time has come when Kansas City must have an institution of this kind. Germany is recognized as one of the greatest manufacturing countries in the world, and long ago it adopted the plan of industrial school for their men and women.
"We can take boys right out of the juvenile court of this city and make skilled workmen out of them. It is the boy in the street who has no advantages like other boys that we must educate into a useful man and thus aid factories in locating here in showing that Kansas City has skilled labor to furnish to them. To import labor causes a certain amount of expense and dissatisfaction. Kansas City is in a position to teach boys every class of skilled labor. We must organize in this city a technical or trade school. This can be supported by having the manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers to pay monthly tributes to the school, which will be of great value to these enterprises. Kansas City now lacks the required amount of skilled labor for the greatly increasing number of factories which are locating here."