CAR WRECKS A HOSE WAGON. ~ No. 3 of Kansas City, Kas., Is Struck and Firemen Are Hurt.

March 3, 1908

No. 3 of Kansas City, Kas., Is Struck
and Firemen Are Hurt.

While making a quick turn in a run to a fire at 1452 and 1454 Kansas avenue, Armourdale, at 10 o'clock last night, the hose wagon of No. 3 fire company was struck by a car at Fifth street and Kansas avenue and was completely demolished. Lieutenant Harry Powers, Edward Seers, Roy Broadhurst and Frank Hill of the company, riding on the wagon, were thrown violently to the pavement, each receiving slight injuries. The front end of the car was shattered by the wagon as the horses, running at full speed, tried to avoid a collision. The animals were not injured.

On account of the disabling of No. 3 hose company by the crash the fire in the two cottages belonging to Henry Zimmers at the numbers mentioned was allowed to burn unchecked until a company had arrived from fire headquarters. Even then it was necessary to lay 2,350 feet of hose from the nearest fire plug in order to get the stream within working distance. Both cottages were total losses. The damage is estimated at about $3,500.