KINDLY HOLD-UP MEN, THESE. ~ They Wouldn't Take Michael Doody's 15 Cents.

March 1, 1908

They Wouldn't Take Michael Doo-
dy's 15 Cents.

Michael Doody, a laborer of 904 Riverview avenue, of Kansas City, Kas., was held up by two men between Mill and Ninth streets on Riverview avenue at 12 o'clock last night. The two men stopped Doody on his way home. One of them drew a revolver and demanded his money. Doody produced, but it was only 15 cents and the generous holdup men wouldn't take that. Instead, they marched Doody to his door, and made him go inside. All of which he was more than glad to do. After he was sure that the holdup men had escaped he notified the police of his experience.